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Afázie v lingvistice, lingvistika v afáziologii
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2016)The aim of this paper is to show the place of aphasia in linguistic research and the contribution of linguistic theory to the study of aphasia. It begins by introducing certain aspects of neuroscience and its methods, which ... -
Lexikální kolokace: základní přehled o vývoji pojetí
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2016)Lexical collocation is a key concept in modern phraseology, but also one of the most controversial. There are two fundamental approaches to the concept: the frequency “bottom-up” approach closely associated with corpus ... -
Paradigma budoucího času ve španělštině — tři různé pohledy na problematiku distribuce budoucího času jednoduchého a opisného ve španělštině
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2016)The article focuses on the synthetic future (FS: “hablaré”) and the analytic future (FA: “voy a hablar”). It presents three perspectives on the use and the distribution of these two forms based on existing studies. The ... -
Odraz norské pravopisné reformy 1907 v Decorah-Posten v letech 1935–1945
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2016)The paper traces the influence of the Norwegian spelling reform launched in 1907 on the Norwegian written language in the US. The Norwegian immigrant community in America published a number of newspapers in their native ... -
K přízvukování ve zkratkách (na základě dokladů z korpusu DIALOG, z terénního výzkumu v České televizi a z Databáze výslovnostního úzu cizích slov)
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2016)The article first reviews works on stress placement in initialisms in Czech. It then proceeds to analyze 50 examples of pronunciation of the initialism ODS (Občanská demokratická strana) as represented in the DIALOG corpus; ... -
Lexikální síť DeriNet: elektronický zdroj pro výzkum derivace v češtině
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2016)The paper introduces the DeriNet lexical database, which includes more than 969,000 Czech words interconnected by 718,000 links corresponding to derivational relations (relations between a base word and a word derived from ... -
Rysy cizineckého přízvuku ve španělštině českých mluvčích
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2016)The paper focuses on some of the “foreign” phonetic features of L2 Spanish as spoken by Czechs. It presents a qualitative analysis of L2 Spanish production followed by a perception experiment, in which advanced Spanish-speaking ... -
Nestandardní funkce slova like v mluveném projevu
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2016)The present study is concerned with non-standard functions of the word like in spoken American English. The aim was to gather all the non-standard functions that have been described in the past 30 years, to create a ...