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Duhové rodiny v přeshraničních situacích z pohledu soudů
Defence status: RECOGNIZED(Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2025)Date of defense: 7. 3. 2025The dissertation thesis deals with the case law concerning rainbow families in cross-border situations. The main aim of the thesis is to describe, analyse and categorise the relevant case law of the European Court of Human ... -
Vnitrostranická demokracie a zkušenosti z první republiky na příkladu Agrární strany
Defence status: RECOGNIZED(Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2025)Date of defense: 17. 2. 2025Intra-Party Democracy and Experience Gained During the First Czechoslovak Republic on the Example of the Agrarian Party Abstract and keywords The author investigates the topic of intra-party democracy during the First ... -
Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob a možnost jejich vyvinění prostřednictvím compliance programů
Defence status: RECOGNIZED(Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2024)Date of defense: 17. 12. 2024Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Feasibility of their Exculpation by Means of Compliance Programs Abstract Our thesis discusses the criminal liability of legal entities and the issues of compliance programs. The ... -
Mediace v České republice
Defence status: RECOGNIZED(Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2024)Date of defense: 30. 9. 2024DISERTAČNÍ PRÁCE V ANGLICKÉM JAZYCE Mediation in the Czech Republic A doctoral thesis represents an evaluation of the fulfillment of the legislator's predicted objectives and expectations placed into the adopted legislation ... -
Rovnost a zákaz diskriminace v judikatuře SDEU
Defence status: DEFENDED(Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2025)Date of defense: 5. 3. 2025Gender equality and discrimination in the European court of Justice case law Abstract This thesis deals with the legal regulation of the European Union and the related case law of the Court of Justice in the field of ... -
Institut celostátního referenda v ústavním systému České republiky
Defence status: DEFENDED(Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2025)Date of defense: 3. 3. 20251 The institution of the national referendum in the constitutional system of the Czech Republic Abstract There have been more than 40 constitutional bills attempting to implement some form of a national referendum in the ... -
Právo zdravotní pojišťovny na náhradu nákladů hrazených služeb
Defence status: DEFENDED(Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2025)Date of defense: 28. 2. 2025Right of a health insurance company to reimbursement of the costs of covered services The aim of this thesis is to answer the research question and to discuss the fundamental aspects of the health insurance company's right ... -
Poskytování zdravotních služeb dětskému pacientovi
Defence status: DEFENDED(Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2025)Date of defense: 28. 2. 20251 Providing Health Services to a Pediatric Patient ABSTRACT The presented thesis focuses on the legal aspects of providing health services to pediatric patients in the Czech Republic. The central attention is on the minor ... -
Náhrada škod způsobených vybranými zvláště chráněnými druhy
Defence status: DEFENDED(Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2025)Date of defense: 27. 2. 2025Compensation for damages caused by selected specially protected species. Abstract This thesis focuses on the issue of compensation for damage caused by selected specially protected species. This institute was created by ... -
Stavební zákon z hlediska Aarhuské úmluvy
Defence status: DEFENDED(Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2025)Date of defense: 27. 2. 2025The topic of this thesis is the Building Act in terms of the Aarhus Convention. It deals with the mapping and analysis of the legal regulation of public participation in the new Building Act No. 283/2021 Coll. and its ...