Poslední příspěvky

Zobrazují se záznamy 701-800 z 11199

  • Nástroj pre konceptuálne modelovanie multi-modelových dát 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hvizdoš, Richard (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    A tool for conceptual modelling of multi-model data Abstract Richard Hvizdoš 8 May 2023 The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to create a tool that supports modeling in the UML and the newly created categorical model (CAT), ...
  • 2D tahová hra v Unity s prvky procedurálního generování 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Srb, František (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    The thesis focuses on the development of a 2D turn-based game in Unity, from the creation of a design document to the completion of its implemen- tation. We are analyzing the important elements of the game genres of ...
  • Autonomní navigace v jednoduchém terénu 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Novák, Daniel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    An important ability for light terrain outdoor navigation of an UGV (Un- manned Ground Vehicle) is traversability detection. We focus on creating an evaluation layer for move_base package, which is part of ROS (Robot ...
  • Optical scanning profilometer 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Strnad, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
  • Evoluce robotů v simulovaném fyzikálním prostředí 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Bečvář, Marek (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    This work introduces a system for designing and evaluating experiments with evo- lutionary algorithms in 3D-simulated physical environments of the MuJoCo library. Ex- periments allow to develop the control and morphology ...
  • Konstrukce strategií pro multi-agentní hledání cest 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Mestek, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    The thesis deals with the Multi-Agent Path Finding problem. The task is to find for each agent a path from its current location to its destination in such a way that agents will not collide. A novel approach to solving ...
  • Orientace vektorového prostoru 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Macek, Lukáš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    In this thesis, we focus on creating a visual understanding of orientation of a real vector space and its subsequent connection to the mathematical definiton. As a result, this thesis can be used as supplementary material ...
  • Fast hash-based signing protocol for message stream authentication 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Mejzlík, František (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Security of the data streaming over Internet becomes a challenge if re- quirements such as post-quantum-capable cryptography and complete de- centralisation must be addressed. This thesis develops a connection-less, ...
  • Simulace a měření mikrokanálkového fotonásobiče (MCP-PMT) ošetřeného depozicí ochranné atomové vrstvy (ALD) 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Bucko, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Time detectors will form a fundamental component in the further develop- ment of detection devices, not only in high-energy physics. The MicroChannel Plate PhotoMultiplier (MCP-PMT) is a very fast (and very expensive) ...
  • Detection of quantized vortices in the zero temperature limit using silicon/superconducting microwires 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Goleňa, Maximilián (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023
    In this Thesis, we have characterized and used Microscopic Electrical Mechanical Oscillators (MEMS) in the study of quantum turbulence. Experiments were conducted in the temperature range of 20-920 mK in vacuum in various ...
  • A study of dynamically bounded triple systems 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Švrčková, Jana (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023
    Hierarchical triple stars consist of two stars orbiting each other on a close orbit and a third, more distant star. This is the only observed dynamically stable configuration of triple systems. The third star needs to be ...
  • Graphlets in Complex Networks 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Trlifaj, Daniel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Analyzing the characteristics of complex networks is a principal task of network sci- ence. In this thesis, we study graphets, small induces subgraphs rooted in a vertex, as a tool to describe and compare networks. First, ...
  • Security of Trapdoor Permutations under Preimage Leakage 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Sedláček, Petr (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2023
    This thesis explores preimage leakage-resilient trapdoor permutations (PLR-TDPs) and their applications in proofs of storage replication and incompressible encodings. The thesis consists of three chapters covering the ...
  • Mikrostruktura a vlastnosti tenkých vrstev multiferroických komplexních oxidů připravených pomocí metody pulzní laserové depozice 

    Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO
    Machovec, Petr (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 28. 6. 2023
    Title: Microstructure and properties of multiferroic complex oxide thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition method Author: Petr Machovec Department: Department of Condensed Matter Physics Supervisor: RNDr. Milan ...
  • Node-attributed community detection 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Vokálová, Kateřina (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Complex systems surround us in our everyday lives and their understanding can bring crucial insights into many fields. These systems consist of components (also known as communities) tied together. This thesis focuses on ...
  • Interaktivní program pro podporu studia Lagrangeova a Hamiltonova formalismu teoretické mechaniky 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Dvořák, Jindřich (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
  • Navigace skupiny jednotek v RTS hrách za pomoci toků v sítích nad flow field oblastmi 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Koblížek, Jan (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    This thesis explores the challenges of implementing effective navigation for groups of units in real-time strategy computer games, specifically focusing on the movement of large numbers of homogeneous units across a ...
  • Unsupervised segmentation of Gregorian chant melodies for exploring chant modality 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Lanz, Vojtěch (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Gregorian chant, as an oral musical tradition, was performed by singers that had to memorize thousands of melodies. Each melody has a set of properties, one of which is what mode it belongs to within the modal system. To ...
  • Feature preserving triangle mesh fairing 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Ivičič, Michal (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    In this thesis, we address the problem of smooth interpolatory subdivision of triangle meshes. This problem is more challenging than general smooth subdivision as the original vertices of the mesh cannot be moved to produce ...
  • Alternativní algoritmus stavby SSA formy pro GCC 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kastl, Filip (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    SSA form is a very important concept in compiler internal code representa- tion. Φ-functions are an integral part of SSA form. Braun, Buchwald, Hack, Leißa, Mallon and Zwinkau introduce a new algorithm for SSA construction ...
  • Methods of User-Assisted Summarization of Meetings 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kmječ, František (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Automated minuting, or meeting summarization, is the task of accurately capturing the contents of a meeting in a short text or in bullet points. Recently, a lot of progress has happened in this area, largely due to the ...
  • Heuristics for Length Bounded Cuts 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Madaj, Pavel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 11. 9. 2023
    This thesis deals with the problem of finding a minimum length-bounded cut in a graph. We first provide a brief overview of the problem and its applications. We then discuss the known theoretical results and approximation ...
  • Comparative Markov state analysis of APOE protein dynamics by neural networks 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kopko, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    This thesis leverages the CoVAMPnet neural network architecture to analyze the dy- namics of apolipoprotein E (APOE), a protein involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease. CoVAMPnet offers a versatile machine ...
  • Multilingual Multimodal Detection of Humour in Stand-Up Comedy 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kuznetsova, Anna (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    This thesis focuses on the multimodal and multilingual detection of humor in stand- up comedy videos. A novel multilingual dataset was collected, primarily targeting the Russian language, to address the lack of specific ...
  • K rozkladu křivosti v cirkulárních prostoročasech 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kříž, Jan (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    Calculation of scalars obtained from the Riemann curvature tensor in co- ordinate components is not always efficient, this is true even in very simple spacetimes. Firstly, the calculation is not intuitive and secondly, ...
  • Fázové transformace v hliníkových slitinách typu AlEr(Sc) 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Leibner, Michal (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023
    The effects of Sc addition, different Er concentrations and deformation on phase transitions in Al(-Sc)-Er-Zr alloys were studied. Three distinct processes were identified during isochronal annealing in all of the alloys ...
  • Delta metoda a její zobecnění 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Pavlech, Ján (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    The goals of this thesis are various generalizations of the classical delta theorem, in which the advantage is that we can separately investigate the analytical properties of transformation of the estimate, and independently, ...
  • Studium elektronových přeskoků v systému konjugovaných molekul metodami kvantové mechaniky. 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Tichý, Ondřej (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
    In this thesis the electron hopping of selected heterocyclic compounds and selected carotenoids was studied using QM/MM simulations of excited states dynamics. Tully electron hopping and semiempirical methods OMx in ...
  • Spectrum problem 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Krejčí, Markéta (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
    In this thesis we present the notion of a spectrum of a first-order sentence, including several theorems linking it to computational complexity theory and well-known open problems of Scholz and Asser. We show that there ...
  • Experimental study of the deformation mechanisms in cobalt by advanced in-situ techniques 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Greš, Adam (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023
    The behaviour of pure polycrystalline cobalt in compressive deformation is influenced by the presence of high temperature fcc phase. To investigate this influence samples are prepared using annealing at different temperatures ...
  • Obrazy typických spojitých funkcí 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Nešvera, Michal (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 9. 2023
    It follows from the Baire theorem that comeagre sets in complete metric spaces are "topologically large". Properties that are satisfied by a large set are called typical. The proofs of statements concerning typical properties ...
  • Nonlinear classes of mappings: properties and approximation 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Doležalová, Anna (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 11. 8. 2023
    In this thesis, we explore classes of mappings suitable for models in Nonlinear Elastic- ity. We investigate whether, given the presence of certain desirable properties, there exists an element within the class that exhibits ...
  • Marked particle processes 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kovář, Matěj (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    This diploma thesis delves into the study of marked particle processes, a relatively unexplored field in stochastic geometry and spatial statistics. The main aim of the thesis is to lay some basic foundations of the marked ...
  • Quantum fluid dynamics and quantum turbulence probed using micro- and nano-resonators 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Midlik, Šimon (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    In this Thesis, we present an excessive study of the dynamics of quantum fluids em- ploying the detectors in the form of mechanical resonating structures with characteristic dimensions below 1 mm. We operate the devices ...
  • Intervaly spolehlivosti pro dvouparametrické exponenciální rozdělení 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Špinka, Karel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Abstract. In this work, we examine both point and interval estimators of two-parameter exponential distribution. We determine whether point estimates are unbiased, consistent, or both, and derive exact distributions from ...
  • Nástroj pro průzkum a vizualizaci modelu pro simulátor mozku Mozaik 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Ježek, Filip (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Simulations of biological neural networks are an important tool for under- standing how the brain processes information. Mozaik is a workflow frame- work that allows such simulations to be created, run and analyzed. ...
  • Výpočet kořenů polynomů pomocí přidružených matic 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Novák, Martin (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    The bachelor thesis describes the relationship between the roots of the polynomial and the eigenvalues of the companion matrix, which is formed from the coefficients of the given polynomial. For numerical computing, it can ...
  • Geodetická dynamika v polích černých děr obklopených disky 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kraus, Karel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    One of the basic tasks of general relativity is to calculate the motion of free test particles by integrating the geodesics equation. In the field of an iso- lated stationary black hole, the problem is fully integrable. ...
  • Homoclinic orbits in perturbed black-hole fields 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Feireisl, Jan (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    In order to generate observable electromagnetic signatures, astrophysical black holes have to interact with matter. Arround the black hole, matter typically forms into a symmetric disc through which it gradually inspirals ...
  • Hypertělesa a jejich aplikace v tropické geometrii či teorii matroidů 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Andr, Břetislav (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
    Hyperfields are algebraic structures generalizing the concept of an algebraic field. In contrast to classical fields, summation in a hyperfield is multivalued, that is, the sum of two elements is not a single element, but ...
  • Neuronové generování textu z pojmů se znalostními grafy 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Szabová, Kristína (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Modern language models are strong at generating grammatically correct, natural lan- guage. However, they still struggle with commonsense reasoning - a task involving making inferences about common everyday situations without ...
  • Statická analýza NumPy programů 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Zimen, Martin (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    NumPy programs can be hard to debug. Due to the dynamic nature of Python, a bug can manifest itself after a long time of run time. This causes the computation to crash, ditching all the progress. Existing static analysis ...
  • Understanding cross-lingual abilities in large multilingual language models 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Del Valle Girón, José Jacobo (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Cross-lingual abilities have been evident in large multilingual language models over the past few years. However, understanding why and under what circumstances they work is not entirely clear. In this work, we work towards ...
  • Kan extensions and adjoint functors 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Otrubů, Mavis (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
    This thesis is devoted to Kan extensions. First, we provide needed definitions and prove a theorem which gives us an existence condition for a Kan extensions. The proof of this theorem also contains a guide to constructing ...
  • pp-elimination of quantifiers in module theories 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Novák, Jindřich (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
    The aim of this thesis is to prove the Baur-Monk Theorem and thereby show complete module-theories admit an elimination of quantifiers down to (Boolean combinations of) existential formulae. To achieve this, following a ...
  • Semifields and skew polynomial rings 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Liška, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2023
    In this thesis we give constructions of semifields, often characterized as not necessarily associative division algebras, from skew polynomial rings which are rings of polynomials over a field where multiplication is not ...
  • Korelační analýza a kurzy sázkových kanceláří 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Josefus, Pavel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 9. 2023
    This bachelor's thesis focuses on a statistical method called correlation analysis. The aim of the thesis is to explain various correlation coefficients such as Pearson's correlation coefficient, point biserial correlation, ...
  • Klasifikace konečně dimenzionálních modulů nad řetězcovými algebrami 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Macháč, Ondřej (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
    In this thesis we classify indecomposable finite dimensional modules over string alge- bras. In the introductory part we define string algebras and string modules and band modules. In the third chapter we prove the ...
  • Improving Subword Tokenization Methods for Multilingual Models 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Balhar, Jiří (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    In this thesis, we explore the differences between tokenization methods for multilingual neural language models and investigate their impact on language model representation quality. We propose a set of metrics to evaluate ...
  • Geometrie intervalových lineárních soustav 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kotecký, Cyril (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Interval linear systems of equalities and inequalities are linear systems, where the real numbered entries of the vectors and matrices are replaced with closed intervals of real numbers. The sets of solutions to these ...
  • Zranitelnosti webových aplikací 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Žák, Vojtěch (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Se stále dostupnějším připojením k internetu roste i počet webových aplikací a jejich uživatelů. S tímto nárůstem - jak už to bývá se vším - se zvětšuje i počet lidí, kteří se snaží nedostatky v těchto aplikacích zneužít. ...
  • Analysis of cross-over clinical trials in the presence of baseline measurements 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Helebrand, František (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive overview of methods for estimating treat- ment effects in cross-over designs. It examines approaches that use baseline measurements to estimate the treatment effect, as well as ...
  • Propagace šumu v algoritmech kostruujících krylovovské regularizační báze pro řešení inverzních problémů 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kašpar, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    In this thesis we consider a linear inverse problem Ax ≈ b with a smoothing operator A and a right-hand side vector b polluted by unknown noise. To find good approximation of x we can use large family of iterative ...
  • Studium vlastností nových kontrastních látek pro zobrazování magnetickou rezonancí 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Plšek, Martin (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    Abstract: Contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging frequently employ organic com- plexes of paramagnetic ions. The present work studies rotation of phoshonate group in LnIII complexes of monoethylester-P of ...
  • Kalibrace meteorologických webových kamer 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Krsička, Ondřej (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    The work deals with the calibration of meteorological web cameras, which can be then used for training of neural networks for the creation of realistic lighting and the genera- tion of realistic clouds in the sky into 3D ...
  • Design and prototypical implementation of a radiometrically calibrated light source to perform dark-light adaptation measurements of the human eye 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Paprskářová, Silvie (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    The thesis is about obtaining absolute radiometric values of a scene using only a digital camera. A further usage of this data to calibrate a screen to perform experimental dark adaptation measurements of the human eye is ...
  • Optimizing Super Mario game tree search 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Šosvald, David (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Super Mario Bros. is still actively used as a model game for research in level genera- tion. Every year, the most recent techniques are applied and tested. This lately includes various deep learning and reinforcement ...
  • Využití gadgetové konstrukce pro strukturální konvergenci 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hons, Tomáš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 11. 9. 2023
    Structural convergence is a framework for convergence of graphs and relational struc- tures based on the probability of satisfaction of first-order formulas. We consider gadget construction, which is a ubiquitous tool in ...
  • EdLab - webová aplikácia pre online vzdelávanie 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Valentová, Michaela (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    The field of education is rapidly evolving, with distance learning becoming an incre- asingly popular method of teaching. With the advent of technology, teachers are seeking effective ways to educate their students even ...
  • Optimalizace plánování tras a rozvrhů svozu odpadu 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Loub, Pavel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    This thesis proposes a mixed integer linear program for waste collection in South Moravian region. For deterministic models are difficult to solve by exact methods, it was necessary to find a way to obtain solutions in ...
  • Experimental Analysis of Scaling Methods for LP 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Komárek, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    In his recent work, Dadush et al. introduced the condition number κ for constraint matrices of linear programming and devised an algorithm to approximately optimize κ by scaling columns of the constraint matrix. We follow ...
  • Kundtova třída prostoročasů v Einsteinově-Gaussově-Bonnetově teorii gravitace 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Nicek, Filip (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    In this work, we study a complete family of non-expanding Lorentzian geome- tries with non-vanishing gyratonic terms in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) theory of gravity of arbitrary dimension. First, we introduce the large ...
  • Analýza krylovovských regularizačních metod pro úlohy zaostřování obrazu 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Machalová, Markéta (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    The diploma thesis deals with the construction and properties of image deblurring problems along with approaches to their solution. We focus on Krylov subspace methods LSQR, GMRES and RRGMRES, which are known for their ...
  • 4D Rubikova kostka: reprezentace a řešení metodami umělé inteligence 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Pech, Vilém (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    The main goal of this thesis is to generalize Micheal Herdy's algorithm for solving Ru- bik's cube using evolutionary strategies for a 4D Rubik's cube. The thesis then studies its characteristics, attempts to improve it, ...
  • Příprava jednodimenzionálních chemických senzorů oxidu kovu 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Sixtová, Kateřina (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    In this thesis, the preparation of a chemical sensor that uses a one-dimensional structure as a sensitive part is studied. First, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to examine the following structures: zinc oxide ...
  • Odhadování na principu věrohodnosti 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Březinová, Eva (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    In this thesis we will describe the maximum likelihood method, method of estima- ting unknown parameters that determine the probability distribution of the observed data. We will also introduce other methods derived from ...
  • Prípustnosť a neprípustnosť odhadu 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Vagner, Marcel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 9. 2023
    The quality of a parameter estimate is usually assessed using the mean squared error (MSE). For one dimensional parameter, the estimate constructed using the least squares method is the best. However, for a vector parameter ...
  • Influence of relativistic effects on atomic spectra 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kasáček, Štěpán (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    In this thesis we investigate solution of Dirac equation in spherically symmetric po- tential. The potential consist of Coulomb field of the nucleus and average potential of all other electrons in atom. We expand the ...
  • Duality for weak Lebesgue spaces 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Musilová, Anna (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 9. 2023
    When p ∈ (0, 1), both the dual and the associate space of the weak Lebesgue space Lp,∞ contain only the zero function. In this thesis, we study a different method of dualization of the weak Lebesgue space. Then we extend ...
  • Testy dobré shody s exponenciálním rozdělením 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hlaváčová, Nikola (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    The thesis deals with goodness-of-fit tests for the exponential distribution. In the first part, basic concepts are introduced, including their properties. Afterwards, goodness-of- fit tests based on the empirical distribution ...
  • Hybridní doporučování pro doménu knih 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Varga, Ondřej (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of recommender systems, which are especially important in e-commerce field. The main goal of the thesis was to implement a recom- mender system that would cover the needs of ...
  • Simulation of symptoms of Mental Health Disorders in Virtual Reality 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Sharma, Shivam (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    The target of the thesis is to develop a software tool for simulation of various symptoms of selected mental health disorders (e.g. depression, schizophrenia, etc.) using virtual reality (VR). This software will be applied ...
  • Space curves with Pythagorean Hodograph 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Schneider, Petr (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    The works discusses the basics of motions along curves in 3D space and especially those that are both rational and whose frames have the least rotation during their movement. These rotation minimizing rational frames open ...
  • Bayesovské klasifikační a regresní stromy 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Dvořák, Martin (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 11. 9. 2023
    The bachelor's thesis is devoted to classification and regression trees, their con- struction, and interpretation. In the first part, the reader gets acquainted with the structure of decision trees, basic definitions, and ...
  • Meeting the challenges of k-nearest neighbor search implementation for GPU accelerators 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hanák, Drahomír (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Similarity search is a commonly used technique in databases for finding objects si- milar to a query. It finds applications in content-based retrieval of complex objects like images, information retrieval, and statistical ...
  • Characterizing computations in a model of biological vision using deep-neural-network approaches. 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Nepožitek, David (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    In this thesis, we examine two kinds of models of the primary visual cor- tex: a deep neural network for system identification and a spiking model of a cat's primary visual cortex. Further progress in modelling visual sys- ...
  • Studium excitonových interakcí ve světlosběrných komplexech 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Bouda, Karel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
    The thesis explores the possible presence of exciton interaction in phycobilisomes, the large pigment-protein light-harvesting complexes occurring mainly in cyanobacteria. The technique of two-dimensional electron spectroscopy, ...
  • Vícesložková vlnová měření družice DEMETER 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kotková, Marie (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2023
    We analyze data from wave measurements performed by the DEMETER spacecraft in the frequency range up to 1250 Hz. We investigate the dependence of wave parameters on daytime, geomagnetic latitude, geomagnetic activity, and ...
  • Theory of ultrafast relaxation and internal conversion in chlorophyll molecules 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Ptáček, Michal (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
  • Analýza vazby mezi teplotou vzduchu ve standardní výšce a v hladině bylinného patra v závislosti na meteorologických podmínkách 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Klimeš, Vojtěch (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    The forest microclimate is different from the conditions measured at mete- orological stations. Conditions in the herbaceous layer are influenced by both the surrounding vegetation and macroclimatic factors. In this thesis, ...
  • Testy nezávislosti dvou časových řad 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Zdeněk, Pavel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    The goal of this diploma thesis is to introduce several tests of independence for time series following the ARMA model and then compare them within the simulation study. First, the basic theory of independence is reminded ...
  • Oscilace Atmosférických Neutrin v Experimentu Hyper-Kamiokande 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Štěpánek, Václav (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    This thesis focuses on the neutrino physics. The main theme of the thesis was the next generation water Cherenkov experiment Hyper-Kamiokande, which will play key role in the $\delta_{CP}$ measurement through the accelerator ...
  • Minimální Taylorovy klony na třech prvcích 

    Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO
    Jankovec, Filip (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    Brady have classified all the minimal Taylor algebras on a three-element set up to term equivalence and isomorphism; there are 24 such algebras. The thesis studies the clones of these algebras. For 12 of them, the thesis ...
  • Procedural Generator of Short Detective-like Stories 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Iudin, Denis (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Procedural generation of interactive stories is still an understudied area, most of the work on which is purely academic, while the application of these technologies in a practical, for a wide audience, area promises good ...
  • Klasifikace založená na směsových modelech 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Janečková, Lucie (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    This thesis deals with classification based on mixture models, mainly on models finite normal. At first, there are introduced basic definitions and characteristics of finite mix- tures. Afterwards there is described the ...
  • Automatická detekcia fake-news v slovenských textoch 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Romanský, Patrik (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    Fake news is a problem in recent years. This study focuses on detecting fake news written in the Slovak language using text classification methods. It is unique because it is the first to conduct such a comprehensive set ...
  • Distinguishing pairs of words using finite automata 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Bilan, Daria (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 11. 9. 2023
    This work considers a fundamental open problem in informatics - distin- guishing two words by a deterministic finite automaton with the smallest pos- sible number of states. We review the existing research, where proven ...
  • Teoretické a empirické kvantily a ich využitie pri konštrukcií predikčných intervalov 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Šimičák, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 9. 2023
    The purpose of the bachelor thesis is to introduce the reader to two approaches to the construction of prediction intervals. The first procedure assumes a probabilistic model and leads to a frequentist prediction interval ...
  • Gradientové zobrazení funkcí více proměnných 

    Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO
    Jechumtál Skálová, Alena (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    Title: Gradient mapping of functions of several variables Author: Alena Skálová Department: Department of Mathematical Analysis Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Miroslav Zelený, Ph.D., Department of Mathematical Analysis Abstract: ...
  • Random Dynamical Systems and Their Applications 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Iuzbashev, Artem (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    This thesis extends the existing results in the theory of random dynamical systems driven by fractional noise in Hilbert space. In particular, it broadens the scope of ap- plicability of the results presented by Maria J. ...
  • Ověřování fyzikálních znalostí žáků vedených učitelem se zrakovým handicapem 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Šesták, Vojtěch (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 22. 6. 2023
    This paper classifies into categories, labels, and explains physics exercises based on distinct challenges visually impaired teachers may encounter. The challenges unique to each exercise category are also detailed. In ...
  • Numerické srovnání algoritmů CGLS a LSQR 

    Výsledek obhajoby: NEOBHÁJENO
    Mrňák, Petr (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    This bachelor thesis deals with the introduction of two algorithms, namely LSQR and CGLS, and then their comparison in the field of theory and the field of practi- cal application and computation. First, it is important ...
  • Elastic strings in general relativity 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Frühauf, Josef (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    We study a simple model of a one dimensional extended body in a gravitational field, consisting of two point particles connected by an elastic string, and derive equations of motion for this system in both classical mechanics ...
  • Data Lineage Analysis for Databricks platform 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Potočeková, Natália (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Notebook-based technologies, like Databricks and Jupyter notebooks, have gained popularity in recent years due to their adaptability and convenience. A notebook is an interactive computational environment that allows users ...
  • Mnohorozměrné modelování volatility 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Jurák, František (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 11. 9. 2023
    This thesis deals with the formulation and estimation of the multivariate GARCH model. It mentions the various parameterizations of the multivariate GARCH model and discusses the relationships between them. The necessary ...
  • Expektily a jejich odhady 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Škurek, Jan (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 9. 2023
    This bachelor's thesis focuses on studying expectiles as an alternative approach to traditional quantiles. Expectiles are becoming increasingly popular as risk measures in various fields, including finance and insurance ...
  • Hydrosphere structure of icy satellites 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Košíková, Terézia (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    The exploration of potential life on other celestial bodies within the Solar System is one of the key questions in planetary science. In this work, we focused on determining the hydrosphere of the icy moons Ganymede and ...
  • Odhady metodou maximálníhou součinu mezer 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Svoboda, Stanislav (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    In this thesis we study the maximum product spacing (MPS) estimation. First we shortly introduce the maximum likelihood (ML) method. Then, we explain the MPS me- thod in detail. Finally, in specific cases, we demonstrate ...
  • Porovnanie priamych regularizačných metód založených na najmenších štvorcoch pre úlohy zaťažené šumom 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Cepko, Tomáš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    In this thesis we are going to deal with the inverse linear approximation problem Ax ≈ b, where our goal is to find the best approximation x of the unknown exact solution. We are going to especially focus on the so-called ...
  • Aproximace metodou TLS: lineární fitování dat pro problémy s nepřesným modelem 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Pokorná, Kateřina (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    In this thesis, we concern ourselves with the linear approximation problem, where errors in both the observation and the data are considered. We focus on the total least squares problem (TLS), which may be used in solving ...

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