GEOBIBLINE - plné texty
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GEOBIBLINE, nebo-li Geografická bibliografie ČR online (projekt MK ČR DC08P02OUK001), začala vznikat na základě vyhlášení programu Ministerstva kultury nazvaného "Zpřístupnění a ochrana kulturních, uměleckých a vědeckých zdrojů". Nápad vytvořit geografickou bibliografickou databázi mapující oborovou tvorbu 20. a 21. století se zrodil na půdě Knihovny geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze již v roce 2007. V témže roce byli také osloveni potenciální partneři projektu. Institucionální základnu projektu pak tvoří instituce, které se přihlásily ke spolupráci: Katedra geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem a Geografický ústav Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně spolu s knihovnou Přírodovědecké fakulty MU. Původním záměrem bylo vytvoření bibliografické databáze geografických bohemik 20. a 21. století. Časový záběr rozšířen až k počátkům knihtisku (1450-) a k bibliografickým záznamům navíc začaly být připojovány plné texty. Tato sbírka obsahuje právě plné texty časopiseckých článků a monografií, jejichž záznamy jsou součástí této bibliografie.
The aim of the GEOBIBLINE database is to create and make accessible the 20th and 21st century geographical bibli.ography of Czechia. The database includes various geographical documents written by Czech authors and also by foreign authors when they are dealing with geographical issues of Czechia. The aim is to develop a geographic bibliography for a virtual research environment and for the cooperation of geographic libraries. In this way, we strive to make cultural resources easily available not only to university students but also to the general public. This repository collection consists of the fulltexts of journal articles and monographs collected as a part of of the geographical bibliography of Czechia.
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Poslední příspěvky
Zobrazují se záznamy 1-60 z 10555
Do Tatier za krásou i poznaním
(2003) -
Malá Camargue
(1993) -
Doprava v globalizovanom svete
(2006) -
Krasové územia Malých Karpát
(1993) -
Náboženská štruktúra obyvateĺstva
(1993) -
Jedinec a místo, jedinec v místě, jedinec prostřednictvím místa
(2010)The core topic of this text is an individual and a place, an individual in a place and an individual through a place. The author focuses on the relationship between an individual and the place, in which an indi- vidual ... -
Application of the Czech land- scape research experience in the desert environment to support archeological study =Využití zkušeností z českého krajinářského výzkumu v pouštním prostředí na pomoc archeologickému studiu
(2010)The landscape mapping represents a tra- ditional activity of Czech geographers for more than a century. Czech landscape research and mapping experience supported by remotely sensed data and GIS technique was used in the ... -
Dendrogeomorfologická analýza dynamiky svahových pohybů v lokalitě Jezeří
(2010)The object of this study is the dendrogeomorphological research of 35 severely tilted trees (Fagus sylvatica) in a natural hazard area around Jezeří Chateau in the Krušné Hory Mountains. The paper studies the dynamics of ... -
Alternative to jobless growth? All-India context and a case of participatory development scheme from rural Tamil Nadu =Alternativa k "růstu bez zvyšování zaměstnanosti"? Celoindický kontext a příklad projektu participativního rozvoje z rurálního Tamilnádu
(2010)The article outlines some of the problems, challenges, and prospects in relation to contemporary Indian development with a special focus on rural India. The paper seeks to contrast traditional modernization views on devel- ... -
Ecological survey of river habitat diversity : trans-boundary cooperation in the Ore Mountains (Krušné hory, Erzgebirge) =Ekologický průzkum diverzity říčního habitatu : přeshraniční spolupráce v Krušných horách
(2010)Results of a trans-boundary ecological survey of the cross-border Rolava and Weisseritz river catchments in the Erzge- birge / Krušné hory are presented. An optimized method to assess the ecohydrological status of streams ... -
Convergence of cultural landscape in the Czech-Bavarian border in Šumava Mts. =Konvergence kulturní krajiny u česko-bavorské hranice na Šumavě
(2010)Two model municipality areas on the Czech-Bavarian (German) border were examined. The objective of research was to determine the changes which land use in differ- ent types of the natural environment on both sides of the ... -
Koncept sociálního kapitálu :pokus o přehled teoretických a metodických východisek a aplikačních přístupů jeho studia
(2010)The paper presents a survey of selected theoretical and methodological issues surrounding social capital as well as applicable approaches to its study, with an emphasis on the concept’s geographical aspects. Attention is ... -
Extreme summer and winter temperatures in the Czech Lands after A.D. 1500 and their Central European context =Teplotně extrémní zimy a léta v českých zemích od roku 1500 a jejich středoevropský kontext
(2010)Extremely cold/mild winters (DJF) and extremely cold/warm summers (JJA) in the Czech Lands were derived from se- ries of temperature indices based on documentary evidence (1500-1854) and from series of air temperatures ... -
The Mladotice Lake, western Czechia: the unique genesis and evolution of the lake basin =Mladitocké jezero, západní Česko : jedinečná geneze a vývoj jezerní pánve
(2010)The Mladotice Lake is a lake of unique genetic type in Czechia. In May 1872 a landslide as a result an extreme rainfall event occurred in western Czechia, blocking the Mladotický stream valley and creating the Mladotice ... -
Second home tourism in light of the historical-political and socio-geographical development of Czechia and Sweden =Druhé bydlení ve světle historickopolitického a sociálněgeografického vývoje : Česko a Švédsko
(2011)The article presents a comparative study of the evolution, present state, location, regulation, trends and perspectives of second home tourism and its research in Czechia and Sweden as examples, respectively, of a Central- ... -
Regionální diferenciace společnosti : obecné typy vývojových procesů =The regional differentiation of society : general types of development processes
(2010)This contribution deals with general problems concerning typologies of development processes. The previously developed classification of real systems was utilised as a point of departure for this evaluation. At the level ... -
Diferenciace nabídky dopravních příležitostí v českých obcích a sociogeografických mikroregionech =Differences in the availability of transport possibilities in Czech municipalities and socio-geographical micro-regions
(2010)The aim of this paper is to analyse the spatial differentiation of transport possibilities, i.e. the availability of public transport connections (bus and train) and households equipped with cars. Monitoring has been carried ... -
Rockfall hazard and risk assessment on forested slopes : examples from Czechia =Hodnocení ohrožení a rizika vzniku skalních řícení na zalesňených svazích : příklady z Česka
(2011)Rockfall hazard is assessed using, which is one dimensional tool for assessing the protective function of forests against rockfall. Three sites where chosen to test the tool with different morphological and ... -
Typology of the districts in Czechia based on land cover structure =Typologie okresů Česka na základě krajinného pokryvu
(2011)The authors analyse land cover changes in Czechia after 1990 on a meso-scale, i.e., on the administrative unit/district scale. The CORINE land cover database makes it possible to compare land cover differences and similarities ... -
Impact of polder system on flooding in the Rolava river basin =Vliv systému poldrů na průběh povodní v povodí Rolavy
(2011)This paper deals with evaluating the impact of dry reservoirs on flood events. The system of dry reservoirs could create an effective part of integrated flood protection. The system of four uncontrolled dry reservoirs was ... -
Význam povrchové analýzy křemenných zrn pro studium geneze nezpevněných sedimentů
(2011)This paper deals with genetic types of unlithified sediments and their characteristics with an emphasis on quartz grain surface microrelief. There are various physical-geographic agents in different sedimentary environments ... -
The spatio-temporal pattern of the mid-holocene thermal maximum =Časoprostorový model teplotních maxim středního holocénu
(2011)This article presents a review of the spatio-temporal pattern of the mid-Holocene Thermal Maximum as it occurs in 60 different reconstructions of annual mean temperature from locations around the globe. The geographical ... -
Příspěvek k české terminologii ve studiu rizik ze svahových deformací
(2011)This paper presents an international concept of landslide hazards and risk studies. Basic terms are noted along with their English and German equivalents. Significant differences among their definitions are discussed. Other ... -
Relief of Czechia : quantitative evaluation in the GIS environment =Georeliéf Česka a jeho kvantitativní hodnocení v přostředí GIS
(2011)The authors used a new GIS-based geomorphological map of Czechia in the scale of 1:500,000 (Demek, Balatka, Kirchner, Mackovčin, Pánek, Slavík 2009) for computer aided quantitative evaluation of the relief of the country. ... -
Venkov - žitý prostor:regionální diferenciace percepce venkova představiteli venkovských obcí v Česku
(2011)This article seeks to contribute to discussion concerning the concept of countryside in geo-graphical sciences. In the first section it discusses selected approaches for assessing rural areas and presents key stimulants ... -
Etnické procesy v Rusku v 90. letech 20. století
(2011)This paper explores changes in the ethnic composition of Russia’s 89 federal regions, which resulted from the dissolution of the Soviet Union, during the 1990s. Based on the 1989 and 2002 censuses, the paper analyzes changes ... -
Formy urbanizace :kritické zhodnocení modelu stadií vývoje měst a návrh alternativní metody klasifikace forem urbanizace
(2011)The article critically examines the model of stages of urban development and its operationalization for empirical research. We identify and display shortcomings in the model through an analysis of changes in the spatial ... -
Comparative analysis of the impact of slope inclination and altitude on long-term land use changes in Czechia
(2011)The aim of this article is to compare the effects of altitude and slope inclination on the spatial distribution of selected categories of land use. This study is based on czechia’s lucc database 1845-1948-1990-2000. The ... -
The development of radiovascular mortality in selected European countries
(2011)The article compares the level and the development of cardiovascular mortality in selected european countries from 1968 to 2006. The development of cardiovascular mortality is viewed in connection with the changes of the ... -
Theoretical and methodological aspects of the identification and delimitation of peripheral areas
(2011)This article focuses on the topic of the polarisation of space. Its objective is to give a basic overview of the theoretical and methodological aspects of research on peripheral areas and to discuss selected aspects. ... -
O severní točnu
(1910) -
Computation of anti-erosion effects of vineyards based on field erosion measurement :case study from Vráble viticultural district (Sovakia)
(2011)This paper describes the evaluation of the anti-erosion effect of vineyards, represented by the universal soil loss equation (usle), cover- management factor (c factor), and support practice factor (P factor). the calculations ... -
O severní točnu