Alternative to jobless growth? All-India context and a case of participatory development scheme from rural Tamil Nadu =Alternativa k "růstu bez zvyšování zaměstnanosti"? Celoindický kontext a příklad projektu participativního rozvoje z rurálního Tamilnádu
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The article outlines some of the problems, challenges, and prospects in relation to contemporary Indian development with a special focus on rural India. The paper seeks to contrast traditional modernization views on devel- opment assuming progressive structural transformation through industrialization with In- dian reality by stressing the importance of the enhancement of employment, and more gen- erally livelihood, opportunities for the masses of underutilized labor. In addition to a brief discussion of the context at the all-India level, the case of a rural region in central eastern Tamil Nadu is examined to provide a picture of the everyday living conditions of local vil- lagers and to indicate some of the problems and uncertainties they are typically confronted with. The rural development project called Periyar PURA (Providing Urban Amenities to Rural Areas) is then discussed which attempts to present a model of how to tackle some of these problems