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Vývoj slovosledu kondicionálového auxiliáru ve starších českých biblích
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2015)The paper deals with the development of word order of the conditional auxiliary in Old and Middle Czech which has changed into a permanent enclitic form. The paper is based on data gained from the Old and Middle Czech Bible ... -
Desatero úskalí při výzkumu afázií
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2015)The paper addresses some of the pitfalls connected with the investigation of the language of aphasic patients. In total, ten pitfalls are presented and briefly discussed: three of them are related to neurological and ... -
Si představ, by mě zajímalo, ti to ukážu: Jednoslabičné začátky syntaktických segmentů v mluvené češtině
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2015)The paper deals with a phenomenon frequently encountered in the syntax of spoken Czech, namely one-syllable words, mostly of pronominal or verbal nature (se, si, sem, ste, sme, mě, mi, mu, tě, ti, bych,bys, by…) at the ... -
Korpus spontánní mluvené češtiny ORAL2013
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2015)The paper presents a corpus of spontaneous spoken Czech called ORAL2013, its design principles and practical solutions adopted during the data collection. The corpus is designed to represent contemporaryspontaneous spoken ... -
Kolokace a kolokabilita synsémantik: substituty a interjekce
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2015)While most attention is generally paid to lexical (autosemantic) words, the goal of this paper is to map grammatical (or synsemantic) words which have been largely neglected. The specific aim is to look into combinations ... -
Slovo to v mluvených korpusech ČNK, jeho prefixace a reduplikace
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2015)The word form to (that.SG.N) traditionally tops frequency tables in corpora of spoken Czech: as a universal (gender- and number-neutral) exophoric (deictic) and endophoric (co-referential) device, it is crucial for ... -
Obsah a značkování diachronního korpusu češtiny
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2015)The paper discusses what kind of content and annotation should be included in the diachronic corpus of Old Czech. Based on his analysis of the current state of DIAKORP and the Old Czech Text Bank the author suggests solutions ... -
Vy jste mi z té otázky utekl (analýza jednoho způsobu vymáhání odpovědi s využitím korpusových dokladů)
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2015)An analysis of contemporary media dialogues demonstrates that guests on television or radio debates occasionally attempt to avoid answering questions posed by moderators. This article analyses the Czech expressions Vy jste ...