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Decorated Coarse Ware from the G. Sutermeister Archaeological Museum in Legnano, Milano province
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)The paper in the first place introduces the figure of Guido Sutermeister and his fundamental work. The second part offers a concise summary of the data relating to decorated coarse ware gathered from a preliminary survey ... -
Ceramiche decorate della fine della Romanizzazione dal Comasco
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)The ‘ugly ware’ of the age of Romanisation has the characteristic of presenting a series of very widespread types of decoration; within this general category, the area of Como is distinguished by specificities: the prevalence ... -
Ceramiche comuni decorate del territorio cenomane orientale
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)This paper examines the decorative patterns present in the coarse ware of the plains around Verona (including the town of Verona itself) between the 4th and the 1st centuries BC, in the period in which the Celtic tribe of ... -
Studio preliminare delle ceramiche di impasto grossolano celtiche dall’area dell’anfiteatro romano di Milano
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)The proposed study presents some ceramics from the area of the Roman amphitheatre in Milan, mostly from US 298 (excavation 2020), a pit filled exclusively with La Tčne pottery dating from between the 4th and 3rd centuries ... -
Late Iron Age decorated coarse ware in central‑eastern Lombardy (Northern Italy)
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)This paper delves into Late Iron Age decorated coarse ware originating from the present‑day province of Bergamo in central Lombardy. During protohistoric time, this region served as a borderland and a nexus connecting ... -
Tumultuous materials. Decorated coarse ware in Late Iron Age Emilia
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)In the Emilian Po plain, during the Late Iron Age (4th and 3rd century BCE), an unprecedented and heterogeneous class of handmade coarse and decorated ceramics emerged in certain sites. In comparison to other Transpadane ... -
On the Ubiquity of Dimples. Finger‑Tip Decorated Coarse Ware in Bohemia and Moravia in the Early Iron Age and the Roman Iron age
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)The various coarse decorated pottery wares of Ha D2–3 and LT A in Bohemia and Moravia also include a prominent pottery group characterised with surface decorated with finger‑tip impressions. In France and Italy, some authors ... -
Elementi decorativi nella ceramica della seconda età del Ferro a sud del Po
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)The paper analyses on a chronological‑typological level the decorative syntax present on impasto pottery from the Late Iron Age (Ligure III period: 475–89 BC) in lower Piedmont (inner Piedmontese Liguria), where vessel ... -
Aux sources d’un style céramique original. Des pots à décor couvrant imprimé ou modelé, une spécificité du territoire sénon au 5e siècle av. notre ère?
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)The paper is focused on impressed or modelled covering decorations well represented on pottery in the heart of the Paris Basin during the Second Iron Age. After a phase of emergence in the western Hallstattian province, a ... -
Decorated domestic ware in Late Iron Age Europe. An introduction
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024) -
From Celts to Romans in Noricum. Ugly and less ugly pottery
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)This short picture book intends to set the focus on a few essential features marking the evolution of coarse‑grained common wares in Noricum over more or less three centuries, roughly between 100 BC to 200 AD. -
Where are the handmade Pots? Thoughts on the Composition of the Ceramic Material from the Iron Age Central Settlement at Neubau in the Context of Neighbouring Regions
(Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Praha, 2024)The LT C2 – LT D central settlement near Neubau, in the vicinity of Linz, Upper Austria, with its voluminous pottery ensemble, offers opportunities for the study of La Tène pottery. Important characteristics of the find ...