Patterns of migration in Mogolia during 1918-1990
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Datum vydání
2001Klíčová slova (anglicky)
population distribution, urbanizationThis paper examines the pattems or population distribution and migration in Mongolia during 1918-1990. Population is unevenly spread on the Mongolian territory, indicating its dual character or an urban population as well as a nomadic population relying on livestock. The overall migration and population distribution scenario dramatically changed due to the economic and development policies orthe Govemment since 1930s. A large part orthe migration process is towards the urban centers and a large part orthe population growth in urban areas is due to migration. With regard to intemal migration, rural-to-urban movements have been predom inan!. One major cause or migration was ortaking ofthe ownership or cattle by the state. Resulting on some orherders adopting other occupation by migrating to urban areas. This way in short span or 8 years, urban population increased 3 times, whereas rural population increases only 10 percen!. Three ractors have been significant in Mongolia's urbanization: (I) industrialization policy, which created industrial complexes in existing urban locations and at new sites; (2) marginal increases in rural production that could not absorb the growing rural population; and (3) administrative channeling or job movement to urban areas where labor resources were needed. The intemational migration was almost negligent prior to 1990.