GEOBIBLINE - plné texty
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GEOBIBLINE, nebo-li Geografická bibliografie ČR online (projekt MK ČR DC08P02OUK001), začala vznikat na základě vyhlášení programu Ministerstva kultury nazvaného "Zpřístupnění a ochrana kulturních, uměleckých a vědeckých zdrojů". Nápad vytvořit geografickou bibliografickou databázi mapující oborovou tvorbu 20. a 21. století se zrodil na půdě Knihovny geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze již v roce 2007. V témže roce byli také osloveni potenciální partneři projektu. Institucionální základnu projektu pak tvoří instituce, které se přihlásily ke spolupráci: Katedra geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem a Geografický ústav Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně spolu s knihovnou Přírodovědecké fakulty MU. Původním záměrem bylo vytvoření bibliografické databáze geografických bohemik 20. a 21. století. Časový záběr rozšířen až k počátkům knihtisku (1450-) a k bibliografickým záznamům navíc začaly být připojovány plné texty. Tato sbírka obsahuje právě plné texty časopiseckých článků a monografií, jejichž záznamy jsou součástí této bibliografie.
The aim of the GEOBIBLINE database is to create and make accessible the 20th and 21st century geographical bibli.ography of Czechia. The database includes various geographical documents written by Czech authors and also by foreign authors when they are dealing with geographical issues of Czechia. The aim is to develop a geographic bibliography for a virtual research environment and for the cooperation of geographic libraries. In this way, we strive to make cultural resources easily available not only to university students but also to the general public. This repository collection consists of the fulltexts of journal articles and monographs collected as a part of of the geographical bibliography of Czechia.
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Meteorológia včera a dnes
(2003) -
Průvodce světem počasí
(2003) -
Numerická studie radiační mlhy
(2003) -
Teorie etnicity :čítanka textů
(2019) -
100 rokov obyvateĺstva Slovenska
(2019)Publikácia 100 rokov obyvateľstva Slovenska popisuje, analyzuje a hodnotí vývoj obyvateľstva za posledných 100 rokov, t.j. od vzniku 1. Československej republiky po súčasnosť. Ide o komplexný pohľad na obyvateľstvo Slovenska ... -
Diferenční plodnost v Česku z dat proměny české společnosti
(2019)The basic aim of the article is to analyse which characteristics are related to the number of children in Czech families. In demography, this subject is referred to as differential fertility. The overall level of fertility ... -
Morphostratigraphy of river terraces in the Eger valley (Czechia) focused on the Smrčiny mountains, the Chebská pánev basin and the Sokolovská pánev basin
(2019)The Eger (Ohře) River terraces originated in varied morphotectonic and climate-morphogenetic conditions that existed during the late Cenozoic evolution of the western part of the Bohemian Massif. In the area between the ... -
Druhé dítě :důvody neplánovaného odkladu a časování jeho narození
(2019)The two-child family continues to constitute the most common family model in the Czech Republic. However, the postponement of family formation and childbearing means that second births are being shifted to an older age. ... -
Kde se berou jedináčci :faktory související s jednodětností v ČR
(2019)The article discusses the phenomenon of having a single child in the Czech Republic and summarises the existing knowledge on this topic. Based on Census data from 2011 and representative survey data from the Life Course ... -
European imbalances and shifts of global value chains to the Central European periphery: role of institutions
(2019)position of European countries, which are closely connected to the emergence of the financial crisis and the subsequent sovereign debt crisis in 2008. A build-up in current account deficits had been observed from the ... -
Quantitative mapping of desertification risk using the modified MEDALUS model :a case study in the Mazayejan Plain, Southwest Iran
(2019)This paper presents the Modified MEDALUS (MMEDALUS) approach, a quantitative assessment of desertification, in the case study area located in the Southern part of Iran. Six main factors of desertification including: soil, ... -
Economic impacts of landslides and floods on a road network
(2019)Even in the absence of serious injuries and fatalities, landslide and flood events can have significant socio-economic impacts. These include the severance of access to and from relatively remote communities for services ... -
The fertility revolution in Zimbabwe with special regards to proximate determinants of fertility
(2019)The role of proximate determinants in moderating fertility decline is well documented in developing countries. In Zimbabwe, however, there is a limited understanding of the role of proximate determinants on fertility levels ... -
Investigating the geotouristic risks of spa springs with emphasis on natural and human dangers in the study area between Sarein and Ardebil in the northwest of Iran
(2019)Geotourism and geoparks provide good opportunities for rural development and reduce unemployment and migration. It attracts local communities for employment in geoparks and tourism marketing in the form of investments in ... -
Effect of rural transport infrastructure on the intensification of purchased input use for major food crop production: the case of smallholder farmers in Horro Guduru Wollega Zone, Western Ethiopia
(2019)This paper examines the effect of rural transport on smallholder farmers’ purchased input use. A random sample of 500 respondents was selected and relevant data was collected. Descriptive, correlation, and regression ... -
Is the Second Demographic Transition a useful framework for understanding the spatial patterns of fertility change in Serbia at the beginning of the 21st century
(2019)Gaps in comprehension of demographic change in the region of ex-Yugoslavia after 1990, caused by a lack of reliable data series, frequent change of borders, and distinctive historical and cultural tradition in comparison ... -
Influence of neotectonics on land surface evolution in the upper part of the Blue Nile Basin (Ethiopia) :findings from a DEM
(2019)The morphometric analysis of lineaments, valleys and signs of erosion taken from a digital elevation model (DEM) made it possible to not only confirm most of the conclusions of the morphotectonic development of the Blue ... -
Territorial Impact Assessment - European context and the case of Czechia
(2019)The aim of this paper is to critically review recent EU level debates on territorial impact assessment, which serves as a tool to improve the understanding of uneven territorial impacts of the EU sectoral policies. The ... -
Meteorologická měření
(2002) -
Intuitiveness of geospatial uncertainity vizualizations :a user study on point symbols
(2019)The understanding of uncertainty, or the difference between a real geographic phenomenon and the user’s understanding of that phenomenon, is essential for those who work with spatial data. From this perspective, map symbols ... -
Research into map-analysis strategies :theory- and data-driven approaches
(2019)This study focuses on the strategies used during an analysis of four types of thematic maps (line symbols, area-shading, choropleths, and diagram maps) on the basis of the use of eyetracking technology. Moreover, it discusses ... -
Technological infrastructure supporting the story network principle of the Atlas of Ageing Society
(2019)Atlases have a long tradition of showing and linking information for the exploration of various mostly spatially related topics. The Atlas of the Ageing Society is an interactive platform illustrating age related data. It ... -
How do user-centered design studies contribute to cartography?
(2019)I ask in this essay: How do user-centered design studies contribute to cartography? Scholars in related fields increasingly recognize the intellectual value of employing user-centered processes to improve a single product ... -
An instance-based scoring system for indoor landmark salience evaluation
(2019)Navigation in a complex indoor environment can be difficult, and pedestrians may find themselves disoriented. As the featured objects of an environment, indoor landmarks play an important role in navigation. A review of ... -
Environmental racism throughout the history of economic globalization
(2019)Environmental racism plagues the history and contemporary realities of globalization. To control resources, stake holders seek to dominate lands and peoples in order to produce at a maximum profit. Left in the wake of ... -
The ‘exotic’ phenomenon of the American Bar in interwar Berlin and Prague :Re-reading the concept of place
(2019)This paper deals with the socio-spatial relations of changes in the concept of place. Since the 1970s, place has been one of the key terms of humanistic geography. Therefore, this paper reflects how the concept of place, ... -
Tourists’ satisfaction with public transport services in Lagos, Nigeria
(2019)This research examined tourists use and perception of public transport services in the city of Lagos, Nigeria. It strived to find out factors that influence their level of satisfaction with public transport services. Data ... -
Laboratory rainfall-induced slope failure in a soil from the Colombian coffee region
(2019)There are few studies on the processes involved in landslides in the soils of the Colombian coffee region in relation to the soil water content. In order to contribute to this knowledge, several experiments over a terrain ... -
Landscape types and regional identity :by example of case study in Northwest Bohemia
(2019)The study examines the relationship of the inhabitants of socially and geographically distinct areas (regions) of Czechia and their relation to regional identity. That is understood as identifying oneself with the region ... -
Speed dating :an effective tool for technology transfer in a fragmented regional innovation system?
(2019)The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate the impacts of speed dating on the enhancement of university-business collaboration. With the example of the metropolitan region of Prague and its largest university (Charles ... -
Spatial differentiations of trade links between Ukraine and Czechia
(2019)The purpose of this article is to examine the current status of economic ties between Ukraine and Czechia, identify main trends in the contemporary commodity trade between Ukraine and Czechia, and to investigate the regional ... -
Inoculation with a soil fungus accelerates decomposition of avocado cv. Hass leaf litter in three plantations in Colombia
(2019)The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a fungal inoculation on the litter decomposition in three plantations of avocado (Perseaamericana) cv. Hass in Colombia at different altitudes (Támesis 1340 m, ... -
Soils and land use in the study of soil organic carbon in Colombian highlands catena
(2019)Andean highland ecosystems (known as paramos) have a great potential to store water and organic carbon, which fulfill the inherent functions associated to the regulation of carbon and water cycles, characteristics linked ... -
On the bottle :situating place-based discourses in global production networks : a visual and textual analysis of craft beer labels
(2019)Place remains a critical concept within globalization processes, often communicated via packaging, design, and branding. This article uses grounded theory methodology to develop a theory of Place-Based Discourses (PBDs) ... -
Workshop „Vodní stopa“
(2019) -
Biouhel - nová perspektiva v technologii dočišťování odpadních vod, nebo slepá ulička?
(2019)Biouhel (biochare) má mnohostranné využití v oboru technologie vody, a to nejen jako součást technologického řešení čištění a úpravy vod, ale i jako materiál vyráběný z odpadních produktů této technologie. V článku se ... -
Způsoby nakládání s bioodpadem v Praze a ve vybraných hlavních městech států Evropské unie
(2019)Bioodpad neboli odpad podléhající anaerobnímu nebo aerobnímu rozkladu se díky způsobu využívání zelených ploch zejména ve velkých městech s vel-kou hustotou osídlení stal problematickou složkou komunálního odpadu. Na ... -
Matematické stanovení batymetrie vodního toku :
(2019)Topografické údaje hrají klíčovou roli v otázce přesného hydrodynamického modelování povodňových událostí. Často je vyžadován přesný digitální model terénu (DMT), který obsahuje popis říční batymetrie. DMT může být získán ... -
Sledování formování odtoku na svazích Jizerských hor a Šumavy pomocí stopovacích experimentů, které jsou podkladempro použití modelu MIPs
(2019)Příspěvek presentuje pokusy s umělým deštěm a stopovačem v Jizerských horách, které jsou nezbytné pro modelování svahu modelem MIPs (Multiple Interacting Pathways [1]). Jsou podrobně popsány pokusy na několika svazích v ... -
Protržená přehrada
(2019) -
Kvalita vody pražských potoků
(2019)Možnost rekreačního využití některých (nejen) pražských nádrží je omezena především kvalitou přitékající vody. Článek navazuje na předchozí část [1] a shr-nuje výsledky sledování kvality vody v roce 2018 ve vybraných ... -
Zdraví dětí 2016
(2019) -
Konference RELIK 2018
(2019) -
Vplyv nadváhy a obezity na riziko vzniky rakoviny v českej populácii
(2019)The article analyses the population’s attributable mortality risk on selected malignant neoplasms in 2016 that could be attributed to excessive BMI in the Czech population, taking into account the eight-year gap between ... -
Pohyb obyvatelstva Česka a Slovenska na úrovni obcí v období 1996-2015 pohledem Webbova diagramu
(2019)The Webb diagram is a method that can be used to compare how much natural change and net migration in a region population contribute to the increase or decrease in the total population. The aim of the article is to evaluate ...