Jan Onghers
Jan Onghers
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)

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- Kvalifikační práce [23975]
Horyna, Martin
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
History of Art
Institute of Art History
Date of defense
23. 5. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
Prahu sedmnacteho a osmnacteho stoleti nelze vnimat pouze jako ceskou metropoli, ale take jako jedno z center umeleckeho a intelektuaIniho zivota Svate rise. Je mozne, ze prave rissky charakter mesta a neprehlednutelne zastoupeni nemCiny hraIo dulezitou roli v usazovani umelcu jak z oblasti rise tak i mimo ni. Nejen v Ceskych zemich narozenym umelcum, ale take malirum. socharum a architektum, kteri prisli na svet za hranicemi zeme a jejichz matefStinou byla nemcina, se Praha stava domovem nejen docasnym, ale take trvalYm. Jan Onghers spojuje svuj osud s Prahou na samem pocatku 90. let sedmnacteho stoleti, v obdobi nastupujiciho vrcholneho baroka. Prichazi tedy ve stejnem case jako Svycar Bys, VIam Godyn, nebo Rakusan Halbax. Na rozdil od nich je ale jeho tvurci obdobi a zivot pIne spjat s ceskym prostredim. Do Cech prisel v necelych triceti letech, tedy jiz jako umelec zraly, alespoii vekem. Prekvapive to neni Onghers, kdo intenzivneji zprostredkovava ceskemu umeleckemu prostredi vlamske podnety. Ba prave naopak, ve svem dile prejima znaky charakteristicke pro ceske barokni malirstvi a pIne se jimi nechava vest. Velky vliv na Onghersovu tvorbu, predevsim v prvnim desetileti 18. stoleti, melo dilo Karla Skrety, s nimz ziskaly Cechy a potazmo stredni Evropa malifskeho genia, ktery ovliviioval umelecke deni...
Jan Onghers, who was born in Mechelen, comes to Prague at the end of 1 i h century. In the coming top baroque era, Prague becomes a homeland for many foreigners. Halbax and Bys live in Bohemia only for a several years but for Onghers Prague grows into a homeland. Over his Dutch roots he becomes an integral ingredient of the Czech baroque painting. Karel Skreta and Petr Brandl have an influence to Onghers work which testify his acceptation into the Czech art. Onghers production doesn't prove a lot of invention. The acceptation of the Venice darkshine principles with the northern origin would mark his coming to artistic community. His activity wasn't awarded like BrandIs and Reiners work was. Costumers interest and connection withwitth the Old Town painters guild testify a significant effect for forming the baroque style.