Late Iron Age decorated coarse ware in central‑eastern Lombardy (Northern Italy)
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ISSN: 2336-6664
- Číslo 1 [12]
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Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaPraha
Source document
Studia Hercynia (web)ISSN: 2336-6664
Periodical publication year: 2024
Periodical Volume: 2024
Periodical Issue: 1
Link to license terms (English)
Late Iron Age, Po valley, Bergamo, Parre, Coarse wareThis paper delves into Late Iron Age decorated coarse ware originating from the present‑day province of Bergamo in central Lombardy. During protohistoric time, this region served as a borderland and a nexus connecting extensive cultural spheres, encompassing both lowland and mountainous terrains. The study presents data sourced from investigations conducted in the lowlands, alongside previously undisclosed finds from the local urban centre of Bergamo. We examine recent finds from the mountain range, encompassing not only the broader region but also focusing on the village of Parre in the Valle Seriana, a crucial place for comprehending the dynamics between lowland plains and mountainous environments. This distinct pottery class exhibits traces of both indigenous and far‑reaching influences, suggesting its significance in the multifaceted process of Romanization and its role in negotiating cultural identities during this intricate historical phase".,2336-6664,,en,Praha,"Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta