Aux sources d’un style céramique original. Des pots à décor couvrant imprimé ou modelé, une spécificité du territoire sénon au 5e siècle av. notre ère?
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ISSN: 2336-6664
- Číslo 1 [12]
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Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaPraha
Source document
Studia Hercynia (web)ISSN: 2336-8144
Periodical publication year: 2024
Periodical Volume: 2024
Periodical Issue: 1
Link to license terms (English)
pottery, decoration, technics, impressed, Iron Age, Paris basin, culture, SenonesThe paper is focused on impressed or modelled covering decorations well represented on pottery in the heart of the Paris Basin during the Second Iron Age. After a phase of emergence in the western Hallstattian province, a concentration of these decorations can be highlighted in the second half of the 5th century in the middle valley of the Seine especially between the confluence of the Seine and the Aube and the confluence of the Seine and the Yonne. Their wider diffusion mainly northwards occurs from the 4th century. The discussion focuses on both the characterization of this phenomenon and its delimitation with a more specific reflection on a possible link at the time of the first flourishing with a ‘Senon’ cultural space.