Proměny českého akademického diskurzu během posledních padesáti let
Changing Czech academic discourse in the past 50 years
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- Číslo 1 [13]
Datum vydání
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaPraha
Zdrojový dokument
Časopis pro moderní filologii (Journal for Modern Philology) (web)ISSN: 2336-6591
Rok vydání periodika: 2019
Ročník periodika: 2019
Číslo periodika: 1
Odkaz na licenční podmínkyíčová slova (česky)
akademický diskurz, teutonský intelektuální styl, anglofonní intelektuální styl, český odborný styl, mezikulturní variace, diskurzní komunitaKlíčová slova (anglicky)
academic discourse, Teutonic intellectual style, Anglophone intellectual style, Czech academic style, cross-cultural variation, discourse communityThe paper aims to explore changes occurring in the Czech academic writing tradition during the past fifty years. The focus is on Linguistics research articles written by Czech scholars and published in peer-reviewed Czech linguistic journals. Czech research papers published in the 1970s adhere to writing conventions of the so-called Teutonic intellectual style (Galtung, 1981) typical of Germany and other Central and East-European countries. The influence of the Teutonic style gradually diminished during the 1980s and in the early 1990s Czech academic style began to conform to norms and conventions of the Anglophone academic writing tradition. The strongest influence of the Anglophone style is apparent in Czech articles published after 2000. This corresponds to the general tendency of minor discourse communities to adopt the Anglophone academic style since English has become the language of international academic communication.