Neurčité dovětky v češtině
General Extenders in Czech
Vědecký článek
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Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaPraha
Source document
Časopis pro moderní filologii (Journal for Modern Philology) (web)ISSN: 2336-6591
Periodical publication year: 2018
Periodical Volume: 2018
Periodical Issue: 1
Link to license terms (Czech)
neurčité dovětky, vágní jazyk, neformální mluvený jazyk, ideační a interpersonální funkce, korpus ORAL2013Keywords (English)
general extenders, vague language, informal spoken language, ideational and interpersonal functions, ORAL2013 corpusThe paper explores Czech ‘general extenders’, such as nebo jak?, nebo něco, a takový věci, i.e. vague structures loosely appended at the end of an utterance typical of informal conversation. The method can be described as contrastive (identifying Czech structures corresponding to English general extenders) and corpus-based drawing on both monolingual and and the functions often combine and overlap. The authors therefore give a tentativeparallel corpora. The interpretation of the discourse functions of general extenders is highly dependent on the context shared by the interlocutors description of the communicative functions of Czech general extenders based on their occurrences in the ORAL2013 corpus of spoken Czech. The results of the analysis are in general agreement with Overstreet’s description of discourse functions of English general extenders encompassing both ideational and interpersonal functions. Some of the functions expressed by English extenders (such