Národní jazyky v české knižní produkci druhé poloviny 18. století
National languages in the Czech book production of the second half of the 18th century
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- Číslo 1 [29]
Datum vydání
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaZdrojový dokument
Historie – Otázky – Problémy (History, Issues, Problems)ISSN: 2336-6672
Rok vydání periodika: 2017
Ročník periodika: 9
Číslo periodika: 1
Odkaz na licenční podmínky
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/Klíčová slova (anglicky)
history, linguistics, 18th century, book printing, Czech Lands, language situation, Latin, German, CzechThe study considers the ratio between books written in one of the national languages (German,Czech), books written in Latin in the total book production of Bohemia, Moravia and Austrian Silesiain 1751, 1761, 1771, 1781, and 1791. Data obtained by excerpting the catalogues of the National Libraryof Prague and the Scientific Library in Olomouc are used to outline the changing languagesituation in the Czech Lands. The author indicates that Czech as a language for more demandingcommunication (both written and printed) only faced a real threat at the end of the 18th century,when German occupied positions previously occupied by Latin, while the imports of German-languageliterature from the countries beyond the borders of Bohemia, Moravia and Austrian Silesiawere rising. Furthermore, the author draws attention to the importance of Czech-language booksin the output of Slovak and Hungarian printers for the creation of a language consciousness in theCzech Lands.