dc.contributor | | |
dc.creator | Anna Augustinová, Ladislav Stančo, Ladislav Damašek, Michal Mrva, Shapulat Shaydullaev | |
dc.date | 2017 | |
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dc.date.accessioned | 2018-05-28T11:05:21Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-05-28T11:05:21Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017 | |
dc.identifier | ISSN 2336-8144 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/97269 | |
dc.description | | |
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dc.description | This preliminary report summarizes the results of the archaeological research in the oases in the KugitangPiedmont after the second season (summer 2016). The field survey in the Zarabag Oasis, which was thesubject of our interest in the first season, was accomplished and the research continued in the oases wherethe villages of Karabag and Kampyrtepa are situated. The prospection led to the detection of new archaeologicalsites in both of them. Moreover, the examination of the sites previously known from earlier workswas conducted. Besides this we focused on the the mapping of the water sources. The collected data havebeen processed in GIS and the finds were analysed and dated. Preliminarily, we observe basically a similardynamic in the settlement patterns of all the researched oases. | |
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dc.publisher | Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy | |
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dc.rights | | |
dc.rights | | |
dc.rights | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/ | |
dc.source | Studia Hercynia, 2017, 21, 1, p. 104-148 | |
dc.subject | Central Asia | |
dc.subject | oasis | |
dc.subject | field survey | |
dc.subject | settlement dynamic | |
dc.subject | Bactria | |
dc.subject | Tokharistan | |
dc.subject | Sapalli Culture | |
dc.subject | Yaz Culture | |
dc.title | Archaeological Survey of the Oases of Zarabag, Karabag and Kampyrtepa in the Piedmont of the Kugitang Mountains, South Uzbekistan – Preliminary Report for the Season 2016 | |
dc.title | | |
dc.type | | |
dc.type | Článek | cs_CZ |
dc.type | Article | en_US |
dc.coverage | | |
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dc.coverage | | |
uk.internal-type | uk_publication | |
dc.description.startPage | 104 | |
dc.description.endPage | 148 | |
dcterms.isPartOf.name | Studia Hercynia | cs_CZ |
dcterms.isPartOf.journalYear | 2017 | |
dcterms.isPartOf.journalVolume | 21 | |
dcterms.isPartOf.journalIssue | 1 | |