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The Family Politics of the Mecklenburg Dukes in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era, Using the Example of the Evolution of the Dynastic Story in Two Period Chronicles
dc.contributor.authorTomášek, Jan
dc.description.abstractThe article maps the period of the rise of the House of Mecklenburg from 1167 to 1348, when Mecklenburg was undergoing a long-term process of integrating into the imperial structures following the fall of the Obotritic tribal state. This process was officialy finalised by Charles IV, who ceremonially raised the two brothers Albrecht II. and John I. to imperial Dukes in July 1348. Albrecht was an ambitious ruler and the period of his rule marked the beginning of powerful foreign policy of the House of Mecklenburg. With the rise of the House of Mecklenburg, the need for codification and legitimization of the ancient royal tradition arose in order to support the ambitions of the Mecklenburgs. This article also mentions several aspects of the evolution of genealogic and heraldic tales about the family in the works of Ernst Kirchberg and Nicolaus Marschalk.en
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
dc.titleSměřování rodové politiky meklenburských vévodů v pozdním středověku a raném novověku na příkladu vývoje dynastického příběhu ve dvou dobových kronikáchcs
dc.typeČlánek v periodikucs
dc.title.translatedThe Family Politics of the Mecklenburg Dukes in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era, Using the Example of the Evolution of the Dynastic Story in Two Period Chroniclesen
dcterms.isPartOf.nameHistorie – Otázky – Problémy (History, Issues, Problems)cs_CZ
dc.subject.keywordCharles IV.en
dc.subject.keywordErnst Kirchbergen
dc.subject.keywordNicolaus Marschalken
dc.subject.keywordheraldic taleen

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