Šance a možnosti ekologickej ekonómie
Chances and possibilities of ecological economy
Diplomová práce
Urban, Luděk, (vedoucí práce)
Datum vydání
1997Klíčová slova (česky)
Práce diplomové, životní prostředí, ekologie, ekonomieHuman being position in the nature and borders of rationality and science play a key role while interlinkages between the economy and the environment are discussed. The introduction discusses those problems on the background of ethics and philosophy. Second chapter discusses environmental problems and the market role and limits for. Mainstream economic theory is stated in front of critical analysis in particular. Third chapter focuses on problems related with valuation of natural resources. Limits and possibilities for such kind of valuation are discussed properly. Special attention is paid to cost-benefit analysis and problems related with discounting of future flows. Sustainable rules for renewable and non-renewable natural resource extraction are presented. Forth chapter discusses problems of economic growth and sustainability -- measurement of national income, role of HDP measure, national accounting problems and alternative approaches incorporating environmental phenomena. Fifth chapter discusses problems of pollution. Tradable permits and environmental taxes and charges are discussed in particular.