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Political and economical context of piracy in the American shores
dc.contributor.advisorOpatrný, Josef
dc.creatorFrýda, Jiří
dc.description.abstractMirove smlouvy z Londyna a pozdeji z Valladolidu ve sve podstate neprinesly zadny posun v zahranicni politice obou znesvarenych statu. Dlouhe mesice vyjednavani neprinesly zadne dulezite obchodni licence, ktere by vedly k otevreni trhu a proudeni bohatstvi. Spanelsko naopak trvalo na pozadavcich zdurazl1ujici zakaz obchodovani s koloniemi v Novem svete, chranic si monopol na tento trh. Anglie v odpoved'i na tento komercni protekcionismus obhajovala narok dobrovolniku slouzit ve vojenskych jednotkach Spojenych provincif, ale bez financni podpory a vyloucenim nizozemskych mest z protekcniho pasma. Rozpory provazely take nabozenske otazky, z kterych nemohla ani jedna ze stran ustoupit. Vysledna dohoda obesla jakekoliv neshody z pocatku valky a byla spise obrazem domaci nez zahranicni politiky, jelikoz nikdo se nechtel dopustit 'zrady' na vlastnim state. Zbyle zavazky se staly neformalnimi body a vyjednavaci strany je spolecne odsunuly do ztracena. Stejne jako Cateau-cambrijsky mir neprinesl uzavreni piratske kapitoly francouzskych piratu v Zapadnfch Indifch, tak ani Londynsky mfr zdaleka neznamenal konec pusobenf anglickych piratu v Novem svete, a to prevazne v oblasti Piratskeho pasu. Jediny rozdfl byl v ukoncenf statnf podpory kaperske cinnosti, nebot' Anglie nevydavala zadne letters of marque proti...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThe story of piracy in Spanish America begins with Treaty of Tordesillas. But its origins laid in the comercial and political rivalry between Spain and European states. However first challengers of Spain's monopoly weren't pirates but more interlopers. Spanish's bullion from Peru and other products from West Indies was according to law exchangeable only for Spanish merchandise and only by Spanish subjects. This state was in the second half of the sixteenth century attacked by attempts of England - one of the rising modern national states. From this point of view the Pirate zone in New world was a important stage of international warfare among European realms-states. Apart off this international turmoil stood, but not too far, rejection of Catholicism by Henry VIII. and later again by Elizabeth I. This issue was in the air for more than fifty years. Not even assaults of Spanish Armada could shut down voices of protestants in England in such twilight. The religious struggle should be considered like one of many episodes which defined the emerging nation states. Centuries of legendizing created myths about Francis Drake and John Hawkins. But for the first time in the Carribean they were more icons of the early modern spirit of enterprise than pirates. Hawkin's trade passion for 'negros' ironically stands in...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titlePolitický a ekonomický kontext piraterie u amerických břehůcs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentStředisko ibero-amerických studiícs_CZ
dc.description.departmentCentre for Ibero-American Studiesen_US
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedPolitical and economical context of piracy in the American shoresen_US
dc.contributor.refereeBaďura, Bohumil
thesis.degree.levelnavazující magisterskécs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineHistory of Latin Americaen_US
thesis.degree.disciplineIberoamerikanistika - dějiny Latinské Amerikycs_CZ
thesis.degree.programHistorické vědycs_CZ
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Středisko ibero-amerických studiícs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Centre for Ibero-American Studiesen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csIberoamerikanistika - dějiny Latinské Amerikycs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enHistory of Latin Americaen_US
uk.degree-program.csHistorické vědycs_CZ
thesis.grade.csVelmi dobřecs_CZ
thesis.grade.enVery gooden_US
uk.abstract.csMirove smlouvy z Londyna a pozdeji z Valladolidu ve sve podstate neprinesly zadny posun v zahranicni politice obou znesvarenych statu. Dlouhe mesice vyjednavani neprinesly zadne dulezite obchodni licence, ktere by vedly k otevreni trhu a proudeni bohatstvi. Spanelsko naopak trvalo na pozadavcich zdurazl1ujici zakaz obchodovani s koloniemi v Novem svete, chranic si monopol na tento trh. Anglie v odpoved'i na tento komercni protekcionismus obhajovala narok dobrovolniku slouzit ve vojenskych jednotkach Spojenych provincif, ale bez financni podpory a vyloucenim nizozemskych mest z protekcniho pasma. Rozpory provazely take nabozenske otazky, z kterych nemohla ani jedna ze stran ustoupit. Vysledna dohoda obesla jakekoliv neshody z pocatku valky a byla spise obrazem domaci nez zahranicni politiky, jelikoz nikdo se nechtel dopustit 'zrady' na vlastnim state. Zbyle zavazky se staly neformalnimi body a vyjednavaci strany je spolecne odsunuly do ztracena. Stejne jako Cateau-cambrijsky mir neprinesl uzavreni piratske kapitoly francouzskych piratu v Zapadnfch Indifch, tak ani Londynsky mfr zdaleka neznamenal konec pusobenf anglickych piratu v Novem svete, a to prevazne v oblasti Piratskeho pasu. Jediny rozdfl byl v ukoncenf statnf podpory kaperske cinnosti, nebot' Anglie nevydavala zadne letters of marque proti...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe story of piracy in Spanish America begins with Treaty of Tordesillas. But its origins laid in the comercial and political rivalry between Spain and European states. However first challengers of Spain's monopoly weren't pirates but more interlopers. Spanish's bullion from Peru and other products from West Indies was according to law exchangeable only for Spanish merchandise and only by Spanish subjects. This state was in the second half of the sixteenth century attacked by attempts of England - one of the rising modern national states. From this point of view the Pirate zone in New world was a important stage of international warfare among European realms-states. Apart off this international turmoil stood, but not too far, rejection of Catholicism by Henry VIII. and later again by Elizabeth I. This issue was in the air for more than fifty years. Not even assaults of Spanish Armada could shut down voices of protestants in England in such twilight. The religious struggle should be considered like one of many episodes which defined the emerging nation states. Centuries of legendizing created myths about Francis Drake and John Hawkins. But for the first time in the Carribean they were more icons of the early modern spirit of enterprise than pirates. Hawkin's trade passion for 'negros' ironically stands in...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Středisko ibero-amerických studiícs_CZ

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