dc.contributor.advisor | Brož, Prokop | |
dc.creator | Hovancová, Magdaléna | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-05-27T19:11:43Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-05-27T19:11:43Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2014 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/72403 | |
dc.description.abstract | Diplomová práca "Poňatie cirkvi v diele Waltera Kaspera" sa zaoberá ekleziológiou nemeckého kardinála Waltera Kaspera. V prvej časti je stručne popísaná jeho osobnosť a jeho pôsobenie v akademickej oblasti a pastorácii v roli diecézneho biskupa ako aj jeho pôsobenie v rímskej kúrii, čo predznačilo i jeho chápanie cirkvi. Nadväzuje popis jeho cesty od pneumatologickej ekleziológie ku ekleziológii communia. Pojem communio je kľúčovým slovom v jeho ponímaní cirkvi. Hlavná časť práce je venovaná Kasperovmu chápaniu communia, jeho mystéria a jeho videniu cirkvi ako congregatio fidelium a communio sanctorum. Communio je základným pojmom ekleziológie po Druhom Vatikánskom koncile a základným výrazom kresťanského chápania spásy. Kasper chápe cirkev ako udalosť a inštitúciu. Následuje popis konkrétnej podoby cirkvi ako communia, kde Kasper v rámci cirkvi rozlišuje rôzne charizmy a popisuje konkrétne služby jednote cirkvi. Práca je ukončená Kasperovým pohľadom na cirkev v dnešnom svete a jej významu pre budúce generácie. Klíčová slova Walter Kasper, communio, eklesiologie, církev | cs_CZ |
dc.description.abstract | Diploma thesis " The Concept of the Church in the work of Walter Kasper " is about ecclesiology of German Cardinal Walter Kasper. The first part describes briefly his personality and his work in academic role and pastoral role as the diocesan episcopus and his work in the Roman Curia. This marked his understanding of the church. It follows a description of his journey from pneumatological ecclesiology to communio ecclesiology. The concept of communio is the key word in his understanding of the Church. The main part is devoted to Kasper understanding of communio, communio mystery and his vision of the Church as congregatio fidelium and communio sanctorum. Communio ecclesiology is the key concept after the Second Vatican Council and the fundamental expression of the Christian understanding of salvation. Kasper sees the church as an institution and a event. It follows a description of particular forms of church as communio. Kasper distinguishes in the Church different charisms and services, that serve the unity of the Church. The work is completed of Kasper vision of the Church in today's world and its importance for future generations. Keywords Walter Kasper, communio, ecclesiology, church | en_US |
dc.language | Slovenčina | cs_CZ |
dc.language.iso | sk_SK | |
dc.publisher | Univerzita Karlova, Katolická teologická fakulta | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | cirkev | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | ekleziologie | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | Walter Kasper | cs_CZ |
dc.subject | church | en_US |
dc.subject | ecclesiology | en_US |
dc.subject | Walter Kasper | en_US |
dc.title | Poňatie cirkvi v diele Waltera Kaspera | sk_SK |
dc.type | diplomová práce | cs_CZ |
dcterms.created | 2014 | |
dcterms.dateAccepted | 2014-06-23 | |
dc.description.department | Department of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology | en_US |
dc.description.department | Katedra fundamentální a dogmatické teologie | cs_CZ |
dc.description.faculty | Katolická teologická fakulta | cs_CZ |
dc.description.faculty | Catholic Theological Faculty | en_US |
dc.identifier.repId | 120904 | |
dc.title.translated | The Concept of the Church in the work of Walter Kasper | en_US |
dc.title.translated | Pojetí církve v díle Waltera Kaspera | cs_CZ |
dc.contributor.referee | Mohelník, Tomáš | |
dc.identifier.aleph | 001785651 | |
thesis.degree.name | Mgr. | |
thesis.degree.level | navazující magisterské | cs_CZ |
thesis.degree.discipline | Teologické nauky | cs_CZ |
thesis.degree.discipline | Theological education | en_US |
thesis.degree.program | Teologie | cs_CZ |
thesis.degree.program | Theology | en_US |
uk.thesis.type | diplomová práce | cs_CZ |
uk.taxonomy.organization-cs | Katolická teologická fakulta | cs_CZ |
uk.taxonomy.organization-en | Catholic Theological Faculty | en_US |
uk.faculty-name.cs | Katolická teologická fakulta | cs_CZ |
uk.faculty-name.en | Catholic Theological Faculty | en_US |
uk.faculty-abbr.cs | KTF | cs_CZ |
uk.degree-discipline.cs | Teologické nauky | cs_CZ |
uk.degree-discipline.en | Theological education | en_US |
uk.degree-program.cs | Teologie | cs_CZ |
uk.degree-program.en | Theology | en_US |
thesis.grade.cs | Výborně | cs_CZ |
thesis.grade.en | Excellent | en_US |
uk.abstract.cs | Diplomová práca "Poňatie cirkvi v diele Waltera Kaspera" sa zaoberá ekleziológiou nemeckého kardinála Waltera Kaspera. V prvej časti je stručne popísaná jeho osobnosť a jeho pôsobenie v akademickej oblasti a pastorácii v roli diecézneho biskupa ako aj jeho pôsobenie v rímskej kúrii, čo predznačilo i jeho chápanie cirkvi. Nadväzuje popis jeho cesty od pneumatologickej ekleziológie ku ekleziológii communia. Pojem communio je kľúčovým slovom v jeho ponímaní cirkvi. Hlavná časť práce je venovaná Kasperovmu chápaniu communia, jeho mystéria a jeho videniu cirkvi ako congregatio fidelium a communio sanctorum. Communio je základným pojmom ekleziológie po Druhom Vatikánskom koncile a základným výrazom kresťanského chápania spásy. Kasper chápe cirkev ako udalosť a inštitúciu. Následuje popis konkrétnej podoby cirkvi ako communia, kde Kasper v rámci cirkvi rozlišuje rôzne charizmy a popisuje konkrétne služby jednote cirkvi. Práca je ukončená Kasperovým pohľadom na cirkev v dnešnom svete a jej významu pre budúce generácie. Klíčová slova Walter Kasper, communio, eklesiologie, církev | cs_CZ |
uk.abstract.en | Diploma thesis " The Concept of the Church in the work of Walter Kasper " is about ecclesiology of German Cardinal Walter Kasper. The first part describes briefly his personality and his work in academic role and pastoral role as the diocesan episcopus and his work in the Roman Curia. This marked his understanding of the church. It follows a description of his journey from pneumatological ecclesiology to communio ecclesiology. The concept of communio is the key word in his understanding of the Church. The main part is devoted to Kasper understanding of communio, communio mystery and his vision of the Church as congregatio fidelium and communio sanctorum. Communio ecclesiology is the key concept after the Second Vatican Council and the fundamental expression of the Christian understanding of salvation. Kasper sees the church as an institution and a event. It follows a description of particular forms of church as communio. Kasper distinguishes in the Church different charisms and services, that serve the unity of the Church. The work is completed of Kasper vision of the Church in today's world and its importance for future generations. Keywords Walter Kasper, communio, ecclesiology, church | en_US |
uk.file-availability | V | |
uk.publication.place | Praha | cs_CZ |
uk.grantor | Univerzita Karlova, Katolická teologická fakulta, Katedra fundamentální a dogmatické teologie | cs_CZ |
dc.identifier.lisID | 990017856510106986 | |