Činnost časopisu Divoké víno v šedesátých letech a dnes
The activity of Divoké víno magazine in the 1960's and nowdays
bakalářská práce (OBHÁJENO)

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SIS: 2030
- Kvalifikační práce [18349]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Čeňková, Jana
Fakulta / součást
Fakulta sociálních věd
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Katedra žurnalistiky
Datum obhajoby
19. 6. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních vědJazyk
Velmi dobře
This bachelor's work pursues the activity of the literary magazine Divoke vino in the 1960's and nowdays. The literary magazine Divoke vino was founded in 1964 by a group of four seventeen-year-old middle school stud ents as a basis for young non-established authors. As it was the only magazine to give the publication posibility to young people at the time , ma ny significant poets , writers, but also photographers and artists started to publish their works here (e.g. J. Zacek, P. Verner, L. Landa) . Many figures from Czech underground also associated here, lead by Milena Jesenska 's daugh ter Jana Cerna. The leading personality of the magazine has always been its chief-editor Ludvik Hess. Though Divoke vino had always awoided political themes, its activity was pulled up forcibly in connection with the change of political situation in Czechoslovakia at the beginning of 1972, and its chief-editor Ludvik Hess was arrested. This event ended up the first of Divoke vino 's two periods of existence. The other one started in 2002 when Ludvik Hess decided to renew the magazine 's activity on the internet. This time, it is not meant to publish new young authors primarily (though they do appear on its web sites regularly) but its task is to compare Divoke vino's 1960's authors' writings to their present work. This...