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Apaches in 18th century. Reconstruction of the material culture and its origins
dc.contributor.advisorKašpar, Oldřich
dc.creatorParolková, Klára
dc.description.abstractI during sources SUMMARY focuse on material culture 18 th century and first half used for reconstruction are of western Apache tribes of 19th century. Primary letters, relationes and other writing of then missionaries and soldiers. Written sources are supported by few pictures taken by 18th and early 19th century artists. Missing data are covered by moder ethnographical and linguistical research. Not all the topics are mentioned with the same frequency in primary sources. Most detailed description exists for appearance and clothing for both men and women. Almost every author writes about their nomadic life, diet and horse riding. Exact date and route of Apachean migration southward is not known, but their way of life was shurely influenst by climate change after coming to present day area. Trading and other contacts with neighbouring tribes were important source of cuI tural change. Peublos influence was most important, because part of this tribe joined Navajo short befor 1700 AD and teached them art of weaving, making fine pottery and silver jewellery. Apache obtained european goods by trading, as gifts accompanying peace negociations or simply stole them (horses were their favorite target). Spaniards were exchanging good for furs, bufalo hides and buskskin, take them back home. Apaches frequently also for...en_US
dc.description.abstractPro rekonstrukci se mi jiste nepodarilo schromazdit vsechny existujici prameny, to ale je, nadto v nasich podminkach, nemozne. Nicmene, mezi pouzitymi prameny jsou zastoupeny dopisy, zpravy, slovniky i dalsi publikace napsane v rozmezi zhruba 100 let, autory jsou osoby svetske i duchovni. Verim, ze jsem nejvyznamejsi dokumenty neopomenula. Pri praci jsem nemela pristup k originalOm, ale vychazela jsem z edic pramenO, coz povazuj i za dostacuj ici. Nedostatkem j e, ze tyto edice casto zahrnovaly ne prepisy, ale cizojazycne preklady, jejichz autory vsak byli odbornici, kteri se teto tematice dlouhodobe venuj i, proto verim, ze pripadne zkresleni nebylo vYznamne. Shromazdene prameny mi umoznily v zakladnch rysech apacskou kul turu rekonstruovat. Pochopi telne j e nutne mit na pameti, ze se jedna 0 pouze hypotezu, ale dalsi informace, ktere jsem v prObehu psani ziskavala, obvykle potvrzovaly moje dosavadni zavery. Je prirozene, ze k rOznam aspektOm kul tury marne k dispozici nestejne mnozstvi informaci. Nektera temata upoutaji na prvni pohled, zaujmou jiz pri prvnim kontaktu, jina vyzaduji detailnejsi zkoumani nebo napriklad pritomnost pozorovatele primo v indianskem tabore. Bezesporu nejcasteji se setkame se zminkami 0 nepratelstvi ApacO, 0 jejich utocich a uzemi, na kterem ziji. Dale je pomerne detailne...cs_CZ
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleApači v 18. století. Rekonstrukce hmotné kultury a vlivů, které ji formovalycs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentÚstav etnologiecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentInstitute of Ethnologyen_US
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.title.translatedApaches in 18th century. Reconstruction of the material culture and its originsen_US
dc.contributor.refereeKorecká, Zuzana
thesis.degree.programHistorické vědycs_CZ
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Ústav etnologiecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Institute of Ethnologyen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-program.csHistorické vědycs_CZ
uk.abstract.csPro rekonstrukci se mi jiste nepodarilo schromazdit vsechny existujici prameny, to ale je, nadto v nasich podminkach, nemozne. Nicmene, mezi pouzitymi prameny jsou zastoupeny dopisy, zpravy, slovniky i dalsi publikace napsane v rozmezi zhruba 100 let, autory jsou osoby svetske i duchovni. Verim, ze jsem nejvyznamejsi dokumenty neopomenula. Pri praci jsem nemela pristup k originalOm, ale vychazela jsem z edic pramenO, coz povazuj i za dostacuj ici. Nedostatkem j e, ze tyto edice casto zahrnovaly ne prepisy, ale cizojazycne preklady, jejichz autory vsak byli odbornici, kteri se teto tematice dlouhodobe venuj i, proto verim, ze pripadne zkresleni nebylo vYznamne. Shromazdene prameny mi umoznily v zakladnch rysech apacskou kul turu rekonstruovat. Pochopi telne j e nutne mit na pameti, ze se jedna 0 pouze hypotezu, ale dalsi informace, ktere jsem v prObehu psani ziskavala, obvykle potvrzovaly moje dosavadni zavery. Je prirozene, ze k rOznam aspektOm kul tury marne k dispozici nestejne mnozstvi informaci. Nektera temata upoutaji na prvni pohled, zaujmou jiz pri prvnim kontaktu, jina vyzaduji detailnejsi zkoumani nebo napriklad pritomnost pozorovatele primo v indianskem tabore. Bezesporu nejcasteji se setkame se zminkami 0 nepratelstvi ApacO, 0 jejich utocich a uzemi, na kterem ziji. Dale je pomerne detailne...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enI during sources SUMMARY focuse on material culture 18 th century and first half used for reconstruction are of western Apache tribes of 19th century. Primary letters, relationes and other writing of then missionaries and soldiers. Written sources are supported by few pictures taken by 18th and early 19th century artists. Missing data are covered by moder ethnographical and linguistical research. Not all the topics are mentioned with the same frequency in primary sources. Most detailed description exists for appearance and clothing for both men and women. Almost every author writes about their nomadic life, diet and horse riding. Exact date and route of Apachean migration southward is not known, but their way of life was shurely influenst by climate change after coming to present day area. Trading and other contacts with neighbouring tribes were important source of cuI tural change. Peublos influence was most important, because part of this tribe joined Navajo short befor 1700 AD and teached them art of weaving, making fine pottery and silver jewellery. Apache obtained european goods by trading, as gifts accompanying peace negociations or simply stole them (horses were their favorite target). Spaniards were exchanging good for furs, bufalo hides and buskskin, take them back home. Apaches frequently also for...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav etnologiecs_CZ

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