McDonaghland as a global village
McDonaghland jako globální vesnice
diplomová práce (OBHÁJENO)
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SIS: 26441
- Kvalifikační práce [23975]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Armand, Louis
Fakulta / součást
Filozofická fakulta
Anglistika - amerikanistika
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistiky
Datum obhajoby
8. 2. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaJazyk
Velmi dobře
Ve sve diplomove pnki jsem se rozhodla prozkoumat svet her irskeho dramatika Martina McDonagha v nekolika kontextech, pfedevsfm vsak v kontextu globalnf vesnice. Tento uspesny autor se narodil roku 1970 v Londyne, avsak proslavil se peticf her, jejichz dej se odehrava na zapade Irska. Techto pet her melo premieru mezi roky 1996-2002 a zatfm je lll:lsledovala jeste jedna premiera, uvedenf hry Pillowman, u mis uvadene v pfekladujako Pan Polstaf, ktera se vsak neodehrava v Irsku, ale v jedne stfedoevropske totalitnf zemi. McDonaghovi hry jsou rozdeleny do dvou trilogii. Prvnf, takzvanou Leenanskou trilogii tvoff hry Kraska z Leenane (The Beauty Queen of Leenane), Lebka v Conemafe (A Skull in Connemara) a Osifely zapad (The Lonesome West). Z druhe, Aranske trilogie byly zatfm uvedeny pouze dva jejf dfly, Mrzak inishmaansk-y (The Cripple of Inishmaan) a PoruCfk z Inishmoru (The Lieutenant of Inishmore), ktere ma lll:lsledovat zaverecna cast Smrtky z Inisheeru (The Banshees of Inisheer).
The objective of this e-ssay is to explore various possible perspectives -of looking at Martin McDonagh's work. The author of so far six extremely successful plays premiered between the years 1996-2003 has engaged much critical attention as belonging both to the British and Irish theatrical context. However, another important circumstance of his work is that of the globalized, supranational context. I would like to prove that it is in this context where the parodic strategy of his plays is most powerful. The theoretical background of this thesis is represented by Marshall McLuhan's book War and Peace in the Global Village, Zygmun-d- Bauman's book Globalizatio~d Linda Hutcheon's/oetics of Postmodernism.