Sajat'-Nova. Zlatý věk arménské trubadúrské lyriky
Sajat'-Nova. The golden age of Armenian troubadour lyrics
rigorous thesis (DEFENDED)

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- Kvalifikační práce [23976]
Vrhel, František
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
Institute of Ethnology
Date of defense
11. 4. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
Zaver "rem me prace bylo pokusit se postihnout kavkazskou trubadlirskou poezii alespoii ve ~;u jeji sire prostre~~i~tvi~ zivota a dila basnika Sajat' ~N~;~. Asugh~ka tvorba zl ted tavuje bohatou studmcl mspuace dodnes a skrze obrazy pochazeJlcl z obdobl "temneho p" ~iho veku" presla placha divka-gazela a nest'astne zamilovany basnik aZ do zanru stte hirnich pisni; z prostredi kraIovskych dvoru a zvuku loutny aZ na stadiony s ~~~ronickou hudbou. Kavkazska trubadurska lyrika je schopna oslovit siroke publikum, ~e re se neomezuje pouze na Arrnenii, Gruzii a Azerbajdzan - cetne posluchace si najde i v ~u Turecku, Stredni Asii a v arabskych zemich. Pribeh, ktery vypnivi, je vlastne porad stejn;. Na rozdil od versu francouzskych stredovekych pevcu vsak pisne kavkazskych trUbadUril nejsou cbapany jako uzavrena minulost - soude podle poezie ohlasove a nescetnych obrarn prevzatych z pisni lidovych a asughskych, ktere zaznivaji v populami tvorbe, jde 0 ryzi soucasnost. Asughske basne se staly neodlucnou soucasti armenskeho lyrickeho fondu jako takoveho.
The goal of this dissertation is to approach the phenomenon of Armenian troubadour lyric poetry as such through a monograph on the poet Sayat' Nova and to introduce him in a European context, i.e. mainly in the light of the traditions of southern France. I have tried to show that the Caucasus region is far from being a region deserving only the marginal interest of researchers. To the contrary, its relative isolation on the one hand and the constant blending of cultures and the emergence of syncretic traditions on the other hand make the Caucasus a fountainhead of topics not only for ethnologists and folklorists, but also for linguists and political scientists. Caucasian troubadour lyric poetry developed in a somewhat different spirit and in a different form from its West European counterparts, but there are far more features in common than it might seem at first glance. In the opinion of many researchers, the troubadours of Provence (minstrels oflove) were influenced by Arabian love poetry that they encountered in Spain and during the Crusades to the Orient. Armenian ash ugh lyric poetry (ashugh is a synonym for troubadour) can also be shown to have developed under the strong influence of Persian as well as Arabian poetry. Armenian folk art tended to take its inspiration . more from local traditions, and...