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Logické základy fuzzy matematiky
dc.contributor.advisorJirků, Petr
dc.creatorBěhounek, Libor
dc.description.abstractPředložená disertační práce sestává z autorových publikovaných článků o logických základech fuzzy matematiky, doplněných strhující studií (tvoricich úvodní část disertace), ve které je představen formálně logický přístup k fuzzy matematice. Dále je v ní dokládána důležitost výzkumu v tomto oboru a charakterizován jeho současný stav, popsán autorův příspěvek k oboru a podány komentare k jednotlivým článkům, z nichž disertace skládá.cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThe dissertation consists of the author's published papers on logic-based fuzzy mathe- matics. It is accompanied with a cover study (Part I of the thesis), which introduces the area of logic-based fuzzy mathematics, argues for the signicance of the area of re- search, presents the state of the art, indicates the author's contribution to the eld, and comments on the papers comprising the thesis. Fuzzy mathematics can be characterized as the study of fuzzy structures, i.e., math- ematical structures in which the two values 0, 1 are at some points replaced by a richer system of degrees. Under the logic-based approach, fuzzy structures are formalized by means of axiomatic theories over suitable systems of fuzzy logic, whose rules replace the rules of classical logic in formal derivation of theorems. The main advantages of the logic-based approach are the general gradedness of dened notions, methodological clarity provided by the axiomatic method, and the applicability of a foundational architecture mimicking that of classical mathematics. Logic-based fuzzy mathematics is part of a broader area of non-classical mathematics (i.e., mathematical disciplines axiomatizable in non-classical logics), as well as a specic subeld of general fuzzy methods. Following earlier isolated developments in logic-based fuzzy set...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleLogical foundations of fuzzy mathematicsen_US
dc.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Logicen_US
dc.description.departmentKatedra logikycs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.title.translatedLogické základy fuzzy matematikycs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeGottwald, Siegfried Johannes
dc.contributor.refereeDvořák, Antonín
uk.thesis.typedizertační prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Katedra logikycs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Department of Logicen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.abstract.csPředložená disertační práce sestává z autorových publikovaných článků o logických základech fuzzy matematiky, doplněných strhující studií (tvoricich úvodní část disertace), ve které je představen formálně logický přístup k fuzzy matematice. Dále je v ní dokládána důležitost výzkumu v tomto oboru a charakterizován jeho současný stav, popsán autorův příspěvek k oboru a podány komentare k jednotlivým článkům, z nichž disertace skládá.cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe dissertation consists of the author's published papers on logic-based fuzzy mathe- matics. It is accompanied with a cover study (Part I of the thesis), which introduces the area of logic-based fuzzy mathematics, argues for the signicance of the area of re- search, presents the state of the art, indicates the author's contribution to the eld, and comments on the papers comprising the thesis. Fuzzy mathematics can be characterized as the study of fuzzy structures, i.e., math- ematical structures in which the two values 0, 1 are at some points replaced by a richer system of degrees. Under the logic-based approach, fuzzy structures are formalized by means of axiomatic theories over suitable systems of fuzzy logic, whose rules replace the rules of classical logic in formal derivation of theorems. The main advantages of the logic-based approach are the general gradedness of dened notions, methodological clarity provided by the axiomatic method, and the applicability of a foundational architecture mimicking that of classical mathematics. Logic-based fuzzy mathematics is part of a broader area of non-classical mathematics (i.e., mathematical disciplines axiomatizable in non-classical logics), as well as a specic subeld of general fuzzy methods. Following earlier isolated developments in logic-based fuzzy set...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra logikycs_CZ

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