
    active video games (1)
    activities (1)
    Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale (1)
    activity (1)
    acupressure (1)
    acupuncture (1)
    acupuncture needle (1)
    acupuncture point (1)
    acupunture (1)
    acute and chronic complications (1)
    acute coronary syndrome (1)
    Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (1)
    Acute gastroenteritis (1)
    acute kidney injury (1)
    Acute leukemia (1)
    acute lumbago (1)
    acute lymfoblastic leukemia (ALL) (1)
    acute lymphoblastic leukemia (1)
    acute myeloid leukemia (AML) (1)
    acute nonspecific lower back pain (1)
    Acute pain (1)
    acute phase proteins (1)
    acute rejection (1)
    adaptace na zátěž (1)
    adaptation process (1)
    adaptation to exercise (1)
    adaptační proces (1)
    Addictive substance (1)
    addictive substance (1)
    ADEM (1)
    adenocarcinoma (1)
    adenokarcinom (1)
    adenosine kinase (1)
    adenosinkináza (1)
    adhesion (1)
    adheze (1)
    adipose tissue (1)
    adipose-derived stem cells (1)
    ADL (1)
    Adolecents Children (1)
    Adolescent (1)
    adolescent a mladší dospělý (1)
    Adolescenti (1)
    adolescenti (1)
    adoptive cell immunotherapy (1)
    adoptive T cell transfer (1)
    adoptivní buněčná imunoterapie (1)
    adoptivní T buněčný transfer (1)
    Adoslecent (1)
    adrenalin (1)
    adrenaline (1)
    adult (1)
    Adult neurogenesis (1)
    Adultní neurogeneze (1)
    adverese event (1)
    adverse life events (1)
    adverse life experiences (1)
    adviser (1)
    Aerobic exercise (1)
    aerobic fitness (1)
    aerobní pohybová aktivita (1)
    aetiology (1)
    AFO (1)
    afterdischarge (1)
    age (1)
    age-related macular degeneration (1)
    Age. Aging process. Communication. Seniors. Research (1)
    Ageing (1)
    aggergometer (1)
    aggregation (1)
    aggression (1)
    Aggression,Nursing care (1)
    Aggressive patient (1)
    Aggressive. Clinical decision - Making. Commutacion. Patient. Urgent care (1)
    Aging (1)
    aging - physiological aspects (1)
    agonista A1 receptoru (1)
    agonista GABAB receptoru (1)
    agregace (1)
    agregometr (1)
    agrese (1)
    Agrese. Klinické rozhodování. Komunikace. Pacient. Urgentní péče (1)
    Agresivní pacient (1)
    agresivní pacient (1)
    Agression (1)
    agressive patient (1)
    AIDS (1)
    airway clearance (1)
    airway remodelling (1)
    akcelerometr (1)
    akcelerometrie (1)
    Akcesorní kosti (1)
    akomodace a vergence (1)
    akrum (1)
    Akt pathway (1)
    aktivace břišní stěny (1)
    aktivita svalů trupu (1)
    Aktivizácia (1)
    aktivní jizva (1)
    aktivní naslouchání (1)

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