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Doplňková četba ve středoškolské gymnaziální výuce anglického jazyka
dc.contributor.advisorMothejzíková, Jarmila
dc.creatorBorecká, Markéta
dc.description.abstractNa vyuziti dopITIkove cetby ph hodinach anglickeho jazyka ve stfedoskoIske gymnazialni ryuce nebyla v posledni dobe sousrredena prilis velka pozomost. Hlavnim duvodem teto skutecnosti je prevazujid duraz kladeny na osvojeni komunikami kompetence, ktery je patmy ve ryuce cizich jazyku v Ceske republice i ve svete jiz od 80. let minuleho stoleti. Proto se vyuziti doplTIkove cetby ph ryuce anglickeho jazyka redukuje na postupy, ph nichZ zaci nahlas ctou uCitelem predlozeny text a posleze se sousrrecfuji na cteni s porozumenim Ci diskuzi 0 prectenem. To vse navic probiha pouze v pfipade, ze uciteli zbjva cas na konci hodiny pote, co probraI vytycenou IMku v ucebnici. Studenti vetsinou k doplTIkove cetbe phstupuji jako k oddychove Cinnosti a povazuji ji za pfijemne zpesrreni povinne rutinni prace s ucebnict na kterou se soustfedi pozomost ucitelu ph hodnoceni. Skutecnost ze doplTIkova cetba zaujima takto druhorade postaveni, je dale umomovana tim, ze se ucitele ph jejim vyuziti v hodinach anglickeho jazyka u studenru zamefuji z prevazne vetsiny pouze na zIepsovani recorych dovednosti (poslech, mluveni, cteni s porozumenim a psani) a jazykorych prostfedku (prevazne gramatiky a ryslovnosti). Je to dano predevsim nesfastnou kombinad faktorU vyucovadho procesu z hlediska casu, rychovnych a vzdelavadch dIu, jazykove...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractTeaching supplementary reading in the English language at Czech grammar schools seems to be seriously underestimated due to the prevailing communicative aims of teaching foreign languages in general. If students do come across some supplementary reading materials which teachers bring for them, these are most likely to be articles from magazines which are then used for reading round the class, practising reading comprehension or speaking about the text in the time left after the obligatory subject matter has been covered. Still, most students seem to enjoy supplementary reading. It seems however, that they do not appreciate supplementary reading so much for the benefits which it might bring to their English language improvement. Rather, they appreciate the escape which supplementary reading provides from the routine of the textbook - the obligatory course material. Compared to textbooks which comprise the grammar and vocabulary that students need to learn in order to succeed in examinations, the role of supplementary reading is second-class and students are not willing to dedicate too much time and effort to it outside classroom. At the same time, teachers confirm the minor role of secondary reading by using techniques aimed primarily at the development of language skills and not setting any other meaningful...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleSupplementary reading in grammar school TEFL. The introduction of the concept of teaching reading-related skills in the Czech Republicen_US
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentÚstav anglistiky a amerikanistikycs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedDoplňková četba ve středoškolské gymnaziální výuce anglického jazykacs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeNováková, Soňa
thesis.degree.disciplineAnglistika - amerikanistikacs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineEnglish and American Studiesen_US
thesis.degree.programEnglish and American Studiesen_US
thesis.degree.programAnglistika - amerikanistikacs_CZ
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistikycs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csAnglistika - amerikanistikacs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enEnglish and American Studiesen_US
uk.degree-program.csAnglistika - amerikanistikacs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enEnglish and American Studiesen_US
uk.abstract.csNa vyuziti dopITIkove cetby ph hodinach anglickeho jazyka ve stfedoskoIske gymnazialni ryuce nebyla v posledni dobe sousrredena prilis velka pozomost. Hlavnim duvodem teto skutecnosti je prevazujid duraz kladeny na osvojeni komunikami kompetence, ktery je patmy ve ryuce cizich jazyku v Ceske republice i ve svete jiz od 80. let minuleho stoleti. Proto se vyuziti doplTIkove cetby ph ryuce anglickeho jazyka redukuje na postupy, ph nichZ zaci nahlas ctou uCitelem predlozeny text a posleze se sousrrecfuji na cteni s porozumenim Ci diskuzi 0 prectenem. To vse navic probiha pouze v pfipade, ze uciteli zbjva cas na konci hodiny pote, co probraI vytycenou IMku v ucebnici. Studenti vetsinou k doplTIkove cetbe phstupuji jako k oddychove Cinnosti a povazuji ji za pfijemne zpesrreni povinne rutinni prace s ucebnict na kterou se soustfedi pozomost ucitelu ph hodnoceni. Skutecnost ze doplTIkova cetba zaujima takto druhorade postaveni, je dale umomovana tim, ze se ucitele ph jejim vyuziti v hodinach anglickeho jazyka u studenru zamefuji z prevazne vetsiny pouze na zIepsovani recorych dovednosti (poslech, mluveni, cteni s porozumenim a psani) a jazykorych prostfedku (prevazne gramatiky a ryslovnosti). Je to dano predevsim nesfastnou kombinad faktorU vyucovadho procesu z hlediska casu, rychovnych a vzdelavadch dIu, jazykove...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enTeaching supplementary reading in the English language at Czech grammar schools seems to be seriously underestimated due to the prevailing communicative aims of teaching foreign languages in general. If students do come across some supplementary reading materials which teachers bring for them, these are most likely to be articles from magazines which are then used for reading round the class, practising reading comprehension or speaking about the text in the time left after the obligatory subject matter has been covered. Still, most students seem to enjoy supplementary reading. It seems however, that they do not appreciate supplementary reading so much for the benefits which it might bring to their English language improvement. Rather, they appreciate the escape which supplementary reading provides from the routine of the textbook - the obligatory course material. Compared to textbooks which comprise the grammar and vocabulary that students need to learn in order to succeed in examinations, the role of supplementary reading is second-class and students are not willing to dedicate too much time and effort to it outside classroom. At the same time, teachers confirm the minor role of secondary reading by using techniques aimed primarily at the development of language skills and not setting any other meaningful...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistikycs_CZ

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