The Theology of Holines According to St John Paul II in the Encyclicals of His Pontificate
Teologie svatosti podle sv. Jan Pavla II. v encyklikách jeho pontifikátu
rigorous thesis (DEFENDED)

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- Kvalifikační práce [2276]
Frývaldský, Pavel
Faculty / Institute
Catholic Theological Faculty
Catholic Theology
Department of systematic Theology and Philosophy
Date of defense
27. 1. 2021
Univerzita Karlova, Katolická teologická fakultaLanguage
3 Bibliografická citace The Theology of Holiness According to St John Paul II in the Encyclicals of His Pontificate. [rukopis]: rigorózní práce / Mgr . -- s. 99. Anotace Cíl studie je na otázku, jak atý Jan Pavel II. interpretuje teologii svatosti, jaké e práce stanoví Jan Pavel II. popisuje jako osobní dimenzi - s nem a ekleziální - christologického, gratuitního a pneumatologického. K z nich je zkoumán v samostatné kapitole tét a Redemptor Hominis, Dives in Misericordia a Dominum et Vivificantem. Úvod studie nabízí biblickou perspektivu eobecné povolání ke svatosti v konstituci Lumen gentium Christologický charakter svatosti rozvíjený v Redemptor Hominis ukazuje interpretaci duchovní vzor. Kapitola o milosrdenství a gratuitním charakteru svatosti zkoumá, jak propojuje milosrdenství se svatostí a jaké jsou související aspekty spojení Krista s pojednávající o lásce a pneumatologickém charakteru v církvi. Sv. Jan Pavel II., svatost, spojení s Kristem, obrácení, povolání ke svatosti, milosrdenství, láska, Duch svatý
4 Abstract The study focuses on how St John Paul II interprets holiness and which aspects and characteristics of holiness he emphasises. The basic thesis is that he describes Christian holiness as both personal - the union of Jesus Christ with a Christian - and ecclesial - the realisation of this union in the Church. The methodology applied is that of spiritual theology. Three significant characteristics of holiness are selected for detailed analysis, namely its Christological, 'gratuitous' and pneumatological character, and each of these is explored in a separate chapter and related to the three encyclicals that form a 'Trinitarian' group of documents and which are considered exemplars: Redemptor Hominis, Dives in Misericordia, and Dominum et Vivificantem. The introduction offers a biblical perspective on holiness. This is followed by a focus on the universal call to holiness in the constitution Lumen Gentium of the Second Vatican Council and an outline of the main characteristics of holiness. The Christological character of holiness developed in Redemptor Hominis shows an emphasis on Christ as Unicus Mediator and the Master Spiritual Model. The chapter on mercy and the 'gratuitous' character of holiness explores how John Paul II relates the concept of mercy to holiness and the associated aspects of union...