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dc.contributor.authorČernikovský, Petr
dc.contributor.authorFoltýnek, Tomáš
dc.contributor.authorFontana, Josef
dc.contributor.authorGojná, Zuzana
dc.contributor.authorHenek Dlabolová, Dita
dc.contributor.authorHoleček, Tomáš
dc.contributor.authorHradecký, Jan
dc.contributor.authorKozmanová, Irena
dc.contributor.authorMach, Jan
dc.contributor.authorPrusek, Ondřej
dc.contributor.authorŘímanová, Radka
dc.contributor.authorTesaříková, Klára
dc.contributor.authorVorel, František
dc.contributor.authorVorlová, Helena
dc.description.abstractThis handbook provide clear yet sufficiently comprehensive guidelines for situations that may arise in connection with plagiarism in the day-to-day academic routine. The handbook offers the opportunity to consider not only the aspects of originality in student work and how to explain the importance of source referencing to students and forms of plagiarism, but also how to recognise plagiarism and what software tools can be used for this purpose. Further, the handbook describes applying penalties for plagiarism and summarises the fundamental antiplagiarism advice from a teacher’s perspective into several practical pieces of advice.en
dc.publisherNakladatelství Karolinumcs_CZ
dc.subjectacademic texten_US
dc.titleHow to Prevent Plagiarism in Student Worken_US
uk.abstract.enThis handbook provide clear yet sufficiently comprehensive guidelines for situations that may arise in connection with plagiarism in the day-to-day academic routine. The handbook offers the opportunity to consider not only the aspects of originality in student work and how to explain the importance of source referencing to students and forms of plagiarism, but also how to recognise plagiarism and what software tools can be used for this purpose. Further, the handbook describes applying penalties for plagiarism and summarises the fundamental antiplagiarism advice from a teacher’s perspective into several practical pieces of advice.en_US
oaire.fundingReference.funderNameMinisterstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovycs_CZ
oaire.fundingReference.fundingStreamStrengthening the prevention of plagiarism in student worken_US

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Zobrazit minimální záznam

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