Teologicko filozofická východiska církevního pohřbu a vývoj jeho právní úpravy s přihlédnutím k právu České republiky.
Theological and Philosophical Background of the Ecclesiastical Funeral Rites and the Development of Legal Regulation Thereof in View of the Laws of the Czech Republic.
rigorózní práce (OBHÁJENO)

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Trvalý odkaz
SIS: 107949
- Kvalifikační práce [2276]
Oponent práce
Hrdina, Antonín
Mrňávek, Tomáš
Fakulta / součást
Katolická teologická fakulta
Katolická teologie
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Katedra pastorálních oborů a právních věd
Datum obhajoby
26. 6. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Katolická teologická fakultaJazyk
The Name of The Thesis Theological and Philosophical Background of the Ecclesiastical Funeral Rites and the Development of Legal Regulation Thereof in View of the Laws of the Czech Republic Anotation The thesis analysed three theoretical levels of finding starting criteria for the decision on the manner of disposal of a dead body and the way of its funeral in historical context: -Professionally institutionalized level, which was focused on satisfactory, swift and quality funeral, very often in the crematorium. -Philosophical and ethical level, which attempted to substantiate rationally moral qualifications of the behaviour of man and ethical obligation to take decision on pious manners of burial and celebration thereof. -Theological and ethical level, which, moreover, used the criteria resulting from moral principles included in the system of religious doctrines and which are the object of the faith of members of a religious community. After summing-up theological and philosophical background, the author commented on three following canon attitudes to the understanding and legal regulation of ecclesiastical funeral rites: Cognitive attitude, which consists in such an understanding of ecclesiastical funeral rites as the source of magisterial practise of the Church for burial of its members. Expressive...