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The women - artists in second half of the 19th century
dc.contributor.advisorPrahl, Roman
dc.creatorKuthanová, Kateřina
dc.description.abstractV teto pnici jsem se zamefila z nekolika hledisek na dosud nezmapovanou tvorbu umelecky vy-raznych zen malirek zasahujicich svou tvorbou do druhe poloviny devatemicteho stoleti. Jejich umelecka produkce byla do 16to doby nepravem opomijena, avsak na zaklade toho, ze byla objevena nekteni jejich do sud neznama dila, snaZlm se dokazat malifskou vy-Iucnost a umeleckou profesionalitu techto vy-jimecnych umelkyii. Z pohledu soucasne, jiz pIne emancipovane zeny pusobi umelkyne 19. stoleti jako zjeveni. Byly to ony, ktere nastoupily temer objevitelskou cestu. Nikoliv snad pouze vYtvamou, ale predevsim socialni, kultume spolecenskou a hluboce lidskou. I pres ztizene podminky se jim podafilo umelecky obohatit vYtvame obory, rozsifit malifske zanry a podilet se na vyzdvihnuti umelecko-remeslne produkce mezi vysoka umeni. Rada zde zmiiiovanych umelkyii se svou vYtvamou tvorbou podilela na sirokem a kontinualnim yYvoji zenskeho umeni, souznejiclm v ramci momosti s dobovYmi vlivy. Jejich touha po profesionalnim uplatneni skrze zahranicni studia vedla k prolinam evropskYch umeleckych vlivii do ceskeho prostredi. Pokud bych chtela svou praci rozsifit, pak se otvira pohled na srovnam s produkci zahranicnich vYtvamic, jejichZ cesta za umeleckYm prosazenim, jak zde jiz bylo receno, byla neporovnatelne snazsi. V ceskem...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThe women-artists of the 19th century seem to be a real apparition from a view of the today's and fully emancipated woman. They were the ones who started an almost discovering journey - not just the art one, but also, and first of all, the social and the cultural-sociable. Despite of hard conditions they managed to enrich creative lines as well as to extend painting genres also to participate in raising an artisan's up to the "high" arts. Many here named woman-artists outlined the wide development of the woman-art by their creativity. I would like to remind some of them - some ofthe greatest and most talented woman-artists. Their desire to a professional enforce through their studies abroad went to fading of art influences into the Czech country. My school work - following of a lanscape creativity, beside not too omited the one called Zdenka Braunerova, wants also to mention another important woman -an artist Marie Kirschnerova. Her realistic pictures were influented by the trench painting. She was one of the first ones who has brought an influence of ,;'Sarbison" painting into the Czech country. Beside her landscape creativity, her glass production for one famous "Lotzov" glasshouse exceles in Kirschnerova's creation. Her glass production is distinguished by simplifying forms and a sober decoration and in...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleVýtvarné umělkyně ve druhé polovině 19. stoletícs_CZ
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentInstitute of Art Historyen_US
dc.description.departmentÚstav pro dějiny uměnícs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.title.translatedThe women - artists in second half of the 19th centuryen_US
dc.contributor.refereeLahoda, Vojtěch
thesis.degree.disciplineDějiny uměnícs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineHistory of Arten_US
thesis.degree.programTheory and History of Art and Cultureen_US
thesis.degree.programObecná teorie a dějiny umění a kulturycs_CZ
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Ústav pro dějiny uměnícs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Arts::Institute of Art Historyen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csDějiny uměnícs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enHistory of Arten_US
uk.degree-program.csObecná teorie a dějiny umění a kulturycs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enTheory and History of Art and Cultureen_US
uk.abstract.csV teto pnici jsem se zamefila z nekolika hledisek na dosud nezmapovanou tvorbu umelecky vy-raznych zen malirek zasahujicich svou tvorbou do druhe poloviny devatemicteho stoleti. Jejich umelecka produkce byla do 16to doby nepravem opomijena, avsak na zaklade toho, ze byla objevena nekteni jejich do sud neznama dila, snaZlm se dokazat malifskou vy-Iucnost a umeleckou profesionalitu techto vy-jimecnych umelkyii. Z pohledu soucasne, jiz pIne emancipovane zeny pusobi umelkyne 19. stoleti jako zjeveni. Byly to ony, ktere nastoupily temer objevitelskou cestu. Nikoliv snad pouze vYtvamou, ale predevsim socialni, kultume spolecenskou a hluboce lidskou. I pres ztizene podminky se jim podafilo umelecky obohatit vYtvame obory, rozsifit malifske zanry a podilet se na vyzdvihnuti umelecko-remeslne produkce mezi vysoka umeni. Rada zde zmiiiovanych umelkyii se svou vYtvamou tvorbou podilela na sirokem a kontinualnim yYvoji zenskeho umeni, souznejiclm v ramci momosti s dobovYmi vlivy. Jejich touha po profesionalnim uplatneni skrze zahranicni studia vedla k prolinam evropskYch umeleckych vlivii do ceskeho prostredi. Pokud bych chtela svou praci rozsifit, pak se otvira pohled na srovnam s produkci zahranicnich vYtvamic, jejichZ cesta za umeleckYm prosazenim, jak zde jiz bylo receno, byla neporovnatelne snazsi. V ceskem...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe women-artists of the 19th century seem to be a real apparition from a view of the today's and fully emancipated woman. They were the ones who started an almost discovering journey - not just the art one, but also, and first of all, the social and the cultural-sociable. Despite of hard conditions they managed to enrich creative lines as well as to extend painting genres also to participate in raising an artisan's up to the "high" arts. Many here named woman-artists outlined the wide development of the woman-art by their creativity. I would like to remind some of them - some ofthe greatest and most talented woman-artists. Their desire to a professional enforce through their studies abroad went to fading of art influences into the Czech country. My school work - following of a lanscape creativity, beside not too omited the one called Zdenka Braunerova, wants also to mention another important woman -an artist Marie Kirschnerova. Her realistic pictures were influented by the trench painting. She was one of the first ones who has brought an influence of ,;'Sarbison" painting into the Czech country. Beside her landscape creativity, her glass production for one famous "Lotzov" glasshouse exceles in Kirschnerova's creation. Her glass production is distinguished by simplifying forms and a sober decoration and in...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav pro dějiny uměnícs_CZ

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